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kiss me u idiot!

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kiss me u idiot!

that was all the poor y/h/c girl thought of every time mike would look at her. the same lingering look on her lips that he thought she didn't notice, but oh did she notice. it was very obvious but seemed subtle to him.

just a little one!

him choking up every time she put on some lipgloss was very entertaining to see, but boring once it ended. did her lips just not seem kissable enough for him? were they chapped? oh god no! chapstick was always on her lips, waiting for the moment that they don't feel so lonely for a few seconds.

fine, i'll do it myself.

constant stares to her lips becoming boring, y/n decided to take matters into her own hands, or should i say, lips.

skipping over to the tall boy, she prepared herself by putting on some strawberry chapstick. he was talking to his slightly short friend, will when will noticed that she was skipping over to them. he tapped the boys shoulder and made him turn around.

"hey y/n-" she cut him off by pressing her lips onto his. his mind processing what was going on for a few seconds, he finally came back to his senses and kissed her back with the same amount of passion. the overjoyed girl wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her waist.

"wow." he breathed out, a huge grin plastered on his face.

"yeah. wow."

hellur i love clairo! decided to make it kinda on the lyrics of the song?? i hope it worked out okay?? don't forget to comment and vote bbs <3

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