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it's not true

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it's not true

she looked down at her phone in pure shock. the picture that she got sent to her filled her up with fury, disappointment and hurt. no, it can't be true. he was a player after all. her heart shattered and stepped on. stomped on.

she ran to her car, ready to confront the son of a bitch. crying and driving was not safe, but nothing was going to stop her from yelling at the man who she loved but possibly didn't love her back. she put on her seatbelt and drove off to his rundown house. there were constant tears running down her cheeks so she stopped trying to wipe them off with her sleeve.

tell me i've been lied to

y/n made it to his house ready to tell him off for everything he did. how he hurt her. how he used her. she was secretly begging for him to tell her that it was all a lie. nothing happened between him and some random girl she's never met. she stayed in her car for a few seconds, gripping on the wheels not being sure to go away or to go to him. she chose on going to him, so she got out of her (y/f/c) car and ran to his house.

the (y/h/c) haired girl banged on her lovers door leading her to hear a "shit". yeah, shit. you got caught motherfucker. he opened the door and he saw her. his eyes widened and he didn't know what to do or say. boris was basically naked due to what or who he was doing a few minutes ago. she walked in, ready to tell him off for everything he did.

"okay bitch i did EVERYTHING for you! i fucking LOVED you when everyone told me it was gonna hurt me. of course me being me, i didn't believe them and i stayed! i really just stayed to have you do me like this? fuck you boris pavlikovsky!" she yelled out at the top of her lungs for the girl in the other room to hear.

crying isn't like you

she looked up at him and saw something she's never seen before. tears. why was HE crying? he's the one who cheated! he went in to hug her one like time but she pushed him away with a disgusted look.

"baby please.. you don't get it.." boris whispered to the girl that was slipping away. she let out a dry laugh at how he still tried to explain something that had already been explained.

"don't you dare call me baby again. i'm not your baby. i'm never going to be anything to you but a forgotten dream. you ruined it." y/n let out like venom and it hurt the boy. he cried even more now getting that he did love this girl more than absolutely anything in this world.

what the hell did i do

"answer me this pavlikovsky, why? was i not good enough? did i not give you everything you wanted? i moved out of my parents house for YOU. i got an extra job to make ends meet with us. i did SO much for you to throw it all away!" boris finally looked up to her. guilt written all over this face to once again prove, he cheated on her. he used her up and threw her away. nothing shocking coming from the boy.

maybe won't you take it back

"you were more than enough y/n. i love you. please don't leave me, it was a mistake." she let out a loud laugh. love?

say you were tryna make me laugh

"wow boris wow. you LOVE me? this is such a weird way of showing it, honestly. go love that little girl that's in your room right now getting ready for round 2. i'm done with you." y/n threw the bracelet that he gave her on their one year. she proceeded to throw everything he gave her at him. the necklaces. earrings. piercings. bracelets. rings. anything she had at the moment.

"take your shit. it means nothing." he looked at her in shock. he really wasn't going to win her back. there was no way, he really ruined everything. boris ran to the girl in desperation. his face screaming "please don't." but did she care? absolutely not.

i love you

"it's so funny. i still love you and i still want to just fucking hug you and kiss you. i want to forget all of this, but that's not how it works. i'm sorry boris, but you fucked everything up. there's nothing you can do." y/n said as more tears ran down her cheeks. she can't keep up the strong guy act now.

"y/n please don't do this. i need you!"

"too bad."

and i don't want to

the walk back to her car was so painful for both of them. he got to see the only person who truly cared about him leave and she got to leave the person she truly cared for.

she got in her car and drove away to the next street before turning off her car. that's when she really broke down. the pain of her ending it with him after being together for two years. that made her wonder. how many times did he cheat on her? how many times did he invite other girls over when she went on trips?

her chest ached but she knew she would have to pull it together and find someone absolutely better than him.

and that's exactly what she'll do.

this was high key shit iM SO SORRY!!! i'm sorry i haven't been updating, i've had a ton going on tbh. i'll try to update a lot more! also thank u for 700 reads, u guys r amazing and i give hugs to each and everyone of you. i hope you enjoyed hehe this song makes me get in my feels so when i heard it, i was like heck yeah. don't forget to comment and vote <3

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