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sleeping in was something that finn and y/n have not enjoyed in so long due to their three year old waking up as early as she can to run in their room and jump on their bed

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sleeping in was something that finn and y/n have not enjoyed in so long due to their three year old waking up as early as she can to run in their room and jump on their bed.

"daddy! daddy! mommy! get up!" she yelled at the pair as she jumped over and over again on their bed. the couple stirred and groaned due to them not wanting to wake up so early.

finn grabbed the toddler and laid her down next to him causing her to giggle. y/n hugged her as finn started to tickle her which made all of them burst out in laughter.

"y/d/n what are you doing up so early?! mommy and i want to sleep!" finn said to the girl as he grabbed onto her cheeks, squeezing them. y/n got up from the bed and stretched to go make the small family some breakfast.

"i don't know, daddy. breakfast!" y/d/n jumped up from bed and ran to her mom knowing that she was about to make breakfast. finn laughed at the two and got up, making sure to put pants on.

downstairs, y/n grabbed y/d/n and sat her on the counter so she could watch her cook since y/n knew how much y/d/n loved it. the toddler clapped her hands and yelled "eggs!" as she watched her mother grab the eggs from the refrigerator.

"that's right y/d/n! eggs!" y/n answered back which made y/d/n do a little dance in victory.

finn finally started to make his way down to help cook breakfast. he walked up to the two as he said,

"there are my favorite girls!"

he kissed y/n and kissed y/d/n on her nose which made her squeal.

"what're we doing today momma?!" finn asked as he clapped his hands.

"i'm kinda in the mood for eggs and waffles. feeling a little lazy today." she explained to him which made him nod in response.

"mommy i want to help!" y/d/n pouted and crossed her arms.

"okay baby, i want you to hand me the eggs, but be very careful or it'll fall and the egg will cry!" y/d/n gasped and saluted as she said,

"yes ma'am!" which caused her parents to start laughing. finn popped the waffles in the toaster and sat back watching them cook eggs and his daughter gently giving his wife the eggs.

"i love you guys so much." he said to them which made them look up at him.

"we love you too." they responded at the same time which made the girl quickly say,

"jinx! you owe me a soda mommy!"

"we don't even drink soda!"

PLS DONT HATE ME AHAHHA i haven't updated in so long and i wish i had some sort of excuse but i literally just cant think. that's why this was ass but i really wanted to update & thank u all for 15k wtf!! lemme kiss u on the forehead u beautiful ppl!! love u all & thank u so much for ur support, i don't deserve any of u 🥺 also someone requested this but i cant remember who & if this is what they even wanted AHH my brain hurts.


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