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"y/n... it's positive.." beverly whispered to the crouched down girl.

positive?, the girl thought to herself. did they really forget about protection? she had just turned 17, how would that work out? the (tall/short) girl let out a sob not knowing how to exactly react to news like that.

"oh y/n please don't cry. everything will be okay, everything will work out." the redhead tried to comfort her the most she could, but how could you possibly help out a teenager in this situation? there was no handbook for "helping your teenage friend when she finds out she's pregnant!"

the overwhelmed girl leaned on her best friends shoulder and sighed. things going around her mind a mile a second. what would she tell her mom? what would she tell her dad? her friends? her siblings (if u have some)? but most importantly..

"what do i tell richie?" her voice quivering as more tears started falling from her cheeks.

"oh god, he might not want to have anything to do with me anymore. i'll be DEAD to him!"

"y/n, no! this boy is in fucking LOVE with you! he'll love you the same, hell maybe even more!"

"even more?"

"yes y/n so don't wor-" beverly was cut off by the bedroom door opening to reveal the tall, scrawny teenage boy. his smile quickly fading away to see his girlfriend of a year and 6 months with tear stained cheeks and red eyes.

"hey hey hey, what's wrong? did someone hurt you? do you want anything?" richie nervously asked the clearly broken girl. beverly left the room to give them the privacy they very much needed. she cleared her throat and sat up straight. she took his hands in hers and took a deep breath.

"richie i just want you to know that you mean the world to me and i am in absolute love with you. if you don't want anything to do with me after i tell you this, i'll understand." she stopped for a bit to look at his face, which looked blurry from the tears filling up her eyes. he nodded holding onto her hand even tighter than before.

"i-i'm pregnant.." she softly said feeling slightly relieved to get it out. she looked up at richie and saw his eyes tearing up.

"i'm gonna.. i'm a.. wow i'm gonna be a dad?" he exclaimed while jumping up from his crouched position. he brought up the girl with him and hugged her tightly, but not tight enough to make him feel like he's hurting the baby.

"oh baby, i will never leave you for that. this baby was created by both of us and we WILL take care of this baby together. i'll start getting more shifts for the baby stuff we'll need and oh my god i can't believe this, y/n!" he paced around the room feeling every emotion hit him at once. y/n stood there looking at him with disbelief. that reaction is not what she had expected.

"hey, loser."


"i love you. we love you."

"and i love you both."

hellur !!! another one 4 u guys bc i cant sleep. i hope u enjoyed this one hehe, i feel like it's all over the place but wtv. also i knowwww this isn't really realistic but nothing in this book is so like i don't really care that much tbh. don't forget to comment and vote :") love u guys!

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