𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥?!

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characters are over 18!

halloween was coming around and that meant having little kids run around the streets begging for candy in costumes. a holiday y/n not only loved, but adored. being a 22 year old woman didn't prevent her from getting dressed up and having a good time. though of course, going around asking for candy was too weird for an adult to do so she went to parties and clubs, whatever could excite her.

as soon as she woke up, she looked at her phone and saw how it said "Thursday, October 31" and excitement ran through her veins. she had her whole outfit ready on the chair next to her bed and grabbed it. slutty bloody mary. perfect. she walked to her restroom with her clothes in hand to see everything she needed laid out. thanking herself for doing that, she put down the clothes and got ready to take a shower.

after her shower, she did her make up and put on the silky dress she got from a thrift store. she then proceeded to add some fake blood all over herself in places that would look right. her eyes went towards her mirror to take a good look at herself. proud with the result, she got out of the restroom, absolutely ready for the day coming ahead.

most might think she got ready too early, but she loved going around with her costume through the whole day for fun due to the stares she would get. she was walking around the streets seeing how people would look at her with confusion or fascination. there was one look she got that captivated her. the boy. he just stood there, giving her a smile. those sexy ass smiles you can't seem to look away from.

"hey lady!" got her out of her state and she quickly looked up to the employee and apologized for taking up time, which made them give her a fake smile back. she grabbed her drink and hot cheetos and walked out of the store. the girl looked around, looking for the guy. he was nowhere to be found and this gave her great sadness since she found the courage to talk to him.

"looking for me?" the mysterious boy whispered in her ear. she quickly turned around and hit him with her bag. when she caught a look at who it was, she started bursting out with laughter. he cracked a tiny smile back then proceeded to start to burst out with her.

"i'm so sorry! don't scare me like that!" y/n confidently said back. he smiled at her as he smoothed out his suit. he looked overdressed to be going to walmart at that time.

"i had to talk to the pretty girl full of some blood! lemme guess, carrie?"

"haha funny one, i just wanted to be a slutty bloody mary. good enough?" he grabbed her waist and led her outside. y/n felt slightly uncomfortable due to the fact that she had just met the guy and he was already being all touchy. nonetheless, she still giggled with him and leaned onto him as they walked outside.

"oh yeah, for sure hottie." he said back as he squeezed her waist. she let out a small laugh which made him do it again since he noticed she's ticklish.

"oh my god stop!" she pushed him off as she tried to catch her breath.

"what's your name anyways?"

"finn. hope to see you soon, sexy." he answered back. finn huh? well finn, i'm gonna have to find you again.

*4 hours later!*

y/n had been preparing herself a lot more for the night full of going to different clubs and crashing parties. she couldn't help but think about finn as she fixed herself up. there was something about him that made her so much more curious. if only she could find out what it was.

she locked the door before heading out for the eventful night. grabbing her phone, she started wondering of places she could go to and how far they could possibly be from each other. it wouldn't be a good idea for her to drive tonight so she walked to places and made sure to remind herself to get ubers if they were too far from each other.

her first decision was to go to a club named "Lux", a place she's been meaning to go to since she had read really good reviews. most of them were about the owner and how handsome he was, as well as having beautiful talent with the piano. she was excited, since she wanted to possibly get dicked down or find someone due to her feeling a bit lonely. she called herself an uber and made her way to the club.

"thank you so much!" the girl said to the random man and she walked her way to the line. realizing how long it was, she groaned and got ready to look for another club. just as she was getting ready to call her friend to tell them she was going to the same club as them, someone yelled out for her.

"well, well, well! aren't you the pretty lady from walmart?" she quickly turned to meet with finn. of course.

"guilty!" she replied back, instantly regretting it. he laughed at her response and grabbed onto her waist and led her inside the club. what the?..

"we don't have to wait?"

"well darling, of course not! i own this place! you'll never have to wait with me here, hottie." y/n let a little giggle and realized that the reviews were about him. it made sense to her though, he was very good looking. she'll have to see about that piano playing though.

finn grabbed onto her hand and led her to the bar. they both sat next to each other and ordered their drinks. they started to have a conversation about anything that came into mind. the more they talked, the more the drinks came. they got closer and closer to each other since they started to become more and more comfortable in their presence. by the end of their conversation their faces were so close.

who's gonna close the gap? who should it be? these thoughts were the only ones going through y/n's head for the whole 5 seconds they stared at each other.

just as she thought, finn quickly leaned in and kissed her. hard. this made her lean onto him more and return the kiss just as hard. they made out for a few minutes until he grabbed her hand and led her upstairs to his penthouse.

they continued to make out, removing their clothes the deeper they went. she felt a hush of wind and opened her eyes only to reveal something shocking. impossible. she quickly went back and just stared. finn opened his eyes with confusion and stared at her.

"what's wrong? did i hurt you?" finn's voice full of worry as he walked closer to her. y/n walked back the closer he got.

"what the fuck.. are those?" she pointed at something behind him. he looked back and noticed what it was.

"oh gorgeous, it's just my wings. hold on, i'll put them away." he moved his shoulders a bit and they went back in. y/n still just stared at him in disbelief which made him let out a laugh.

"what are you? the devil?"

"yes beautiful!" he exclaimed laughing at her reaction. she gasped replying back,

"a devil?!"

yes i'm the worst at uploading u can all hate me HAHA. i hope ppl will actually read this, it's been forever since i last uploaded. i'm so sorry ): i've had so much happening in my life lately and each time i try to update, it's so hard to finish it. i have a sad story after this bc i'm a sad hoe hehe. hope u enjoyed this! i didn't edit it 😳

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