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clouds of nicotine filled the street as the well known drug addict walked the streets of las vegas

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clouds of nicotine filled the street as the well known drug addict walked the streets of las vegas. his cigarette was in between his lips as he passed by a couple of different strangers who gave him strange looks. he saw that no one was around him so he inhaled and puffed out another huge cloud.

"hey! i'm walking here! asshole.." yelled out a girl as she waved her hand in front of her face. she made herself cough to make him possibly feel bad for doing so. he smiled at her as he said,

"what, do you have asthma or something?" he let out a laugh as he inhaled more, but puffed it away from her. she scoffed and pulled up her backpack sleeve to her shoulder. he finally got a good look at her face.

"pretty hot." he softly said, not knowing he said it out loud. the girl blushed as she said,

"you're not so bad yourself, druggie." this caused boris to be the one to blush, which was unlike his nature.

the mystery girl started to walk, more like skip away from him. he was frozen for a few seconds, but went after her after he got his senses back. he grabbed onto her hand and pulled her back so she'll be standing next to him. she gasped and pulled her hand away in fear of someone trying to take her. she looked to her side to discover that it was the druggie she had talked to a few seconds before.

"what do you want, loser?" she said with her arms crossed, waiting for his response.

"your name and possibly your number." boris winked at her in an attempt to look even more handsome, sexy even. she laughed at his attempt and reached into his pocket to grab his phone, which made him gasp.

she typed in her number and name into his phone then handed his phone back, winking as she walked away.

"next time, don't blow clouds of that shit in my face or i'll throw that shit on the ground. bye, hot druggie." she walked away leaving him in complete awe. he looked down to his phone to see that the girls name was y/n and damn was she hot.

DONT HATE ME AHDBEHDH THAT WAS SHORT AND BAD HAHAHA :"( next chapter will b better i promise 🥺 ALSO WHAT THE FUCK!!! THANK U SO MUCH FOR 11K THAT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME THANK U FOR READING !! YOURE ALL AMAZING MWAH!! pls take all my love and attention u all deserve it 🥺💗 i might update by the end of the week since i'm going back home on thursday so be on the lookout! love u all, have an amazing day! <3

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