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Did Stranger Things actor, Finn Wolfhard, really cheat on his girlfriend Y/n Y/l/n?



Actor Finn Wolfhard was seen smooching up with fellow costar Elsie Fisher outside of a local motel! Could this mean that Finn broke up with his girlfriend Y/n Y/l/n? Pictures below!

Actor Finn Wolfhard was seen smooching up with fellow costar Elsie Fisher outside of a local motel! Could this mean that Finn broke up with his girlfriend Y/n Y/l/n? Pictures below!

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y/n quickly turned off her phone after reading the article and seeing the picture. could this be true? they're kissing in the picture so it's obviously true. she felt weak and hurt at how he easily hurt her. he threw everything they had away over a fling.

her phone started to ring and she grabbed her phone to see who it was and of course it was him. finn motherfucking wolfhard. she just looked down and let it keep on ringing, feeling too weak to move. the call went straight to voicemail and she sighed.

ding! her phone went and she saw she got a voicemail from him. y/n left her phone on the bed and walked to the restroom. she turned on the shower and made it to the right temperature, hot. she showered and heard her phone ring not once, but three times in the span of 30 minutes.

the phone continued ringing while she was getting ready which annoyed her even more than she was. she grabbed her phone and sent him a text that said,

we're over. stop calling me. stop texting me. leave me alone asshole.

curiosity filling her up, she went to her voicemails to listen to them. one by one they all said the same thing, but it still hurt her nonetheless.

hey baby. i'm pretty sure you saw the pictures and the article and everything and i just want to say that i'm so sorry. please call me back. i need to talk to you to explain everything. stop ignoring me please. call me back whenever you feel, i'll be ready for your call.

y/n please stop ignoring me. don't be like that. i just need you to call me back, i don't wanna lose you. i love you so much, that was a mistake. i made a huge mistake. call me back.

for fucks sake, call me back! i NEED you to call me back. i don't want you to hate me or break things off. let me just explain baby girl. i love you so much.

she let out an emotionless laugh as tears went down her soft cheeks. she couldn't believe how he was demanding her to call him back after he messed up big time. she went to social media to unfollow him & delete everything she had of him. of course it was an immature move, but she was clouded by hurt and anger. she finally threw her phone back on the bed and let out all of her emotions.

what a fucking dick.

that uhh sucked dick but i really wanted to write something hehe. also idk who those ppl in the pic are, i just randomly found that pic lOL. ok so i'm thinking abt writing a whole fic instead of just this imagines book, would any of you guys read it?? i'm really considering it, i almost have my cast thingy done lMAO. erm i might update tomorrow too bc i don't wanna leave it off on a shitty chapter :") so be on the lookout for that! okok bye babies ily


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