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this is gonna b modern day and not back in da day :)

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this is gonna b modern day and not back in da day :)

excitement was running through y/n's veins as she got ready for her date with the school heartthrob, jack dylan grazer. what happened the day before was all she could think about due to her shock. the way the boy skated up to her with his curls flowing through the wind. the way he stopped in front of her and brushed his hand through his hair. the way he grabbed onto her hand and asked,

"hey y/n, wanna go on a date tomorrow?" which made her cheeks turn a bright red as she nodded. he smiled at her and let her know to be at the movies at 7:30pm so they could watch toy story 4.

a smile was plastered on her face as she put on a black dress full of red roses. she twirled, joy radiating around her body. she put a bit of makeup on her face as she listened to her happy playlist.

on the other hand..

mike had finally gotten the courage to ask out the girl who everyone wanted, storm reid. the fact that she said yes made him jump up high and cheer for himself when he got home. he remembers how her hair was up in a beautiful bun and how her eyes twinkled under the sunlight.

having the new toy story movie come out, he knew it would be a good idea to see the movie since he had heard her saying how excited she was to watch it. mike started to get ready in something casual, but not too casual. his music played in the background as he practiced what he would say to storm in front of his mirror.

"hey beautiful, how you doing? no mike that sounds awful. umm how about, hey storm you look wonderful. that sounds good. i hope, ughh!" mike nervously rambled as he put on his least dirty shoes.

storm had told him that meeting up at the movies would be the best and jack told y/n the same.

mike and y/n both walked over to the booth where they give out tickets and saw each other. mike let y/n go in front of her and she smiled at him as a thank you. she got her ticket and left to go inside the theater, but not without looking at the slightly taller boy feeling a slight interest in him. mike also grabbed his ticket and walked inside to grab some popcorn.

y/n was in the line to get popcorn when she got a message from the one and only jack which read,

"hey i'm not gonna be there because there's no way in hell you'll EVER see me with someone like you. it was all a dare, i don't know how u didn't notice. sorry not sorry but seeing you actually believe it was fucking hilarious. see ya."

her smile dropped and she felt anger. she felt, saw, heard, TOUCHED the anger she was feeling and looked around to make sure she wouldn't cry. she was about to leave, but she had already paid for the ticket so might as well watch it and cry.

mike saw how she was suddenly stiff and didn't seem happy anymore and tapped her shoulder. she turned around and smiled at the boy to which he said,

"are you okay? sorry, it's fine if you don't wanna tell me, it's just that i wanna make sure you're okay." mike softly spoke to the girl to not get any attention.

"my date basically stood me up so i have to watch this movie by myself. sucks ass, but i'll get through it." she sighed and turned back around since she felt like she already said too much. a sudden ding was heard and mike went towards his pocket to see what was sent to him and it was from storm. it read,

"hey nerd sorry not sorry, can't make it. i would never be seen with a freak like you so i'm going with jack. don't bother talking to me again."

he looked at his phone in shock as to how this could happen right now. he tapped on the girls shoulder once more.

"hey my date stood me up too.. wanna watch the movie together?" y/n smiled at him and nodded. she grabbed his hand to pull him to stand next to her and neither of them thought to let go.

they got their popcorn, candy and icee/drink and walked to the place where the movie was showing. they ate their junk as they watched the movie and whispered a few things to each other, quietly laughing at their idiotic jokes and comments.

the movie finished and y/n was crying at how beautifully the movie was made as mike took a picture of how beautiful she looked to him. they walked out as they talked more about the movie and the plot. mike stopped the conversation by asking,

"hey, can i have your number? i really loved being with you and talking to you."

"yeah of course! i loved talking to you too."

i'm sorry i haven't updated that much, i'm currently in mexico haha 😎 u might b like girl why did u put real ppl in this? well i couldn't think of anything else so i just did HAHA. i hope you liked this hehe, i'm writing another one right now which will HOPEFULLY be up by tomorrow. also u guys i'm so fucking excited for the new season omg it's SO close but SO far away )): i'm not ready i'm not ready i'm not readyyyyy! anyway, don't forget to comment and vote hehe love u all :")

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