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the underage teens held each other waiting for someone, anyone, to go pick them up

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the underage teens held each other waiting for someone, anyone, to go pick them up.


what they would give to be together at mike's house instead of in the woods, hiding from whatever that thing is. it's roar being louder than anything they have ever heard.


the nasty thing got out another roar which caused them to get closer to each other and to hold on even tighter.

"m-mike.." y/n let out in a whisper. the boy whipped his head to look away from the darkness that consumed them.

"what baby?" he whispered back to her. she looked up at him with tears in her eyes. she's never been this scared. she was usually a fearless girl who loved having new adventures every single day.

"i wanna go home."


"me too, y/n me-" her loud, shrilling scream echoed in the empty woods making him jump. he got up and tried his best to grab onto her arm as she was getting dragged by her leg.


"Y/N! NO, LET HER GO!" mike screamed to the thing. with his strength not comparing to the inhuman thing, she was ripped away from him. forever gone.

home. gone.

uhhh idk what that was, sisters 😳 i wanted to write something sad but it came out UGLY heehee n e ways, thank u so much for 100!!! u guys r amazing, mwah! don't forget to comment and vote 💅🏼

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