𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞

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the bench in the playground had been empty before the girl ran to sit there in complete frustration

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the bench in the playground had been empty before the girl ran to sit there in complete frustration. what had happened moments before replayed in her head which cause her to scream and punch the bench.

"fuck you!" she screamed to nothing. or so she thought.

"hey! that wasn't really nice, was it?" some boy said as he walked into the light. her face quickly turned red in embarrassment and shock. he noticed and laughed at her as he sat next to her on the bench. the mysterious boy turned his body to looked at her and took out his hand to shake hers.

"good afternoon, i'm tyler. you are?"

"angry." the girl simply stated back as she shook his hand in an attempt to not seem rude to the cute boy. he laughed at her but quickly stopped when he realized she wasn't joking around.

they slowly let go & some awkwardness was shared between them. they looked off around the park, stealing some looks. tyler looked at the girl, who he didn't know the name of yet, and tapped her on the shoulder which caused her to turn to look at him.

"if you don't mind me asking, what has you hear late at night?" she scoffed and turned around to be face to face with him. the girl sighed and fiddled with her hands.

"i just feel.. alone. the "friends" i have don't care about me, my family fucking bullies me, i was stupid enough to believe that this jerk liked me. i've just had so much happen to me this week, i don't know who to talk to it about or who to trust. i always get fucked over and let down. i just want to feel needed. wanted. not alone, you know?" tears could be seen filling her eyes as she ranted.

"fuck those people, they obviously don't deserve you at all. let them keep on being like that, it'll come back to them one way or another. talk to your family and tell them how they've been making you feel. also fuck that guy! he doesn't know what he's lost at all. his dick must be small as hell if he treated you like that so good you lost him!" by the end of the rant, tyler was holding her hands.

her laughed filled the air from the dick comment he made, which made him smile. she let go of his hands and quickly stood up from the bench.

"you're that pizza guy, right?"

"yeah! that'll be me!"

"steal me some." he laughed at her comment, as if he would risk losing his job like that. tyler got up from the bench and they walked together to the well known pizza place.

"oh yeah, by the way i'm y/n. i just remembered i never told you."

"well nice to meet you, y/n."

i'm back o whateva! ok so i'm still trying to think of a plot for this new story i'm thinking of writing for finn obvi LMAO. i really hope u guys like it and like the style that i wanna make it. thank you so much for everything, reading ur comments make me laugh my ass off. you guys literally have the same humor as me. anyways! i'll try my best to have at least one chapter out of the new story i'm writing by the end of this month 🥺 love you all, have an amazing day/night mwah.


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