𝐢'𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞

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it might've been the way that he made her feel when he entered the room

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it might've been the way that he made her feel when he entered the room. or the way that she could never find a negative thing to say about him. or how no matter what, she always felt the same butterflies from their first interaction around him. the same sparks surrounding her each time they kiss. her smile never fading with him around. the fights they got into would end with kisses and apologies.

"oh my god." she said to herself in realization. she's in love.


her walk to work had been pretty uneventful which wasn't unusual. she walked to the back of the restaurant in order to leave her stuff. working the morning shift was frustrating, but the newly graduated girl needed the money so she couldn't complain. she logged herself in and walked with her other coworkers. her thoughts full of her realization just last night.

"hey y/n! you look so rough!" josiah joked which caused y/n to punch his arm.

"shut up, ugly. i don't look that bad, right?" the room full of workers murmured incoherent words to the blushing girl.

"fuck you guys!" she told the group as they laughed at her embarrassed state.

they all walked out to the front to set up the place for the customers that would be walking in in about 30 minutes. y/n went over to the tables to make sure they were clean. barbie walked over to her in a rush.

"bitch, what is going on?" she questioned her best friend. jumping in surprise, y/n clenched her shirt.

"barbie! stop scaring me like that!"

"yeah, yeah whatever. what's wrong?" barbie asked her once again, this time with more worry. to her surprise, her friend started smiling and blushing.

"what? why are you smiling?" y/n laughed at her confused friend and told her,

"i think i'm in love with finn."


her whole shift, the love struck girl was full of smiles. some could swear they saw butterflies flying around her head.

grabbing her bags from the back of the store, she waved goodbye to her fellow coworkers and head on home. she could swear she could skip home if she wasn't so scared of being judged.

y/n finally made it to her home, locking the door and taking off her shoes. putting her bag down on the table, she saw familiar shoes next to the door. her lover of ten months had come. when they had been dating for six months, she thought it would be best for him to go ahead and have a key to her apartment so she wouldn't have to get up and unlock the door for him.

"finnnnn?" she dragged his name as she walked closer to her bedroom. she heard his whistle and walked a bit faster to him. collapsing on the bed, she moaned in delight after standing nonstop for hours. his arms wrapped around her as he kissed her neck.

"welcome home, baby." finn whispered to her. she hummed back, loving the position they were in. yes, she smelled like burgers and pizza, but he didn't mind. she worked hard, having to deal with rude customers and screaming children.

"sorry i'm stinky. i should go shower." she stood up, or tried to due to finn grabbing her wrist and making her lay back down. she laughed into his chest, playfully punching him.

"god i love you." she whispered. she felt him get slightly stiff before relaxing. that's when she realized what she had just said. out loud. to him.

this caused her to jolt up and say,

"oh my god babe, i'm sorry. i totally understand if you don't feel the same way, it's whatever. i hope this doesn't chan-" before she's able to finish her rant, finn kisses her to finally shut her up.

"baby stop. i love you too, you dork." he tells her with a huge grin. she smiles back at him and jumps on top of him to hug him. they hug each other tight, as if they could slip out at any given moment.

"that was scary. i thought you were gonna leave."

"now why would i do that when i have the most amazing, beautiful, smart, wonderful girl right in my arms?"

THAT WAS SO CHEESY AHDBSHD i hope you guys loved it 🥺 i was gonna do another sad chap but i was like nah lemme try to make a happy one but it was cheesy 😳 anyways, happy pride month! <3 i was thinking of possibly writing something that links with pride month, but i'm not sure what to write just yet. also, i hope you guys have been keeping informed with everything going on lately. donating, signing & sharing about blm (: if you believe that blm movement is a bad movement, kindly stop reading my story. if you believe that not all cops are bastards, kindly stop reading my story. i will not have ignorant people who do not believe that black people should have basic human rights that white people have, reading my stories. say their names. no justice, no peace. stay informed and share information with your peers. stay safe please and i love you all.

also, my gif won't work so just ignore that.

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