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it was the year 1992, smells like teen spirit was quietly playing while the two teens laid on the king sized bed

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it was the year 1992, smells like teen spirit was quietly playing while the two teens laid on the king sized bed. on the floor was their science project that had been due the next day, but they had procrastinated as always.

richie was playing with the hands of the girl he loved wondering why they were so soft. y/n was laying her head on his tummy and looking at his concentrated face.

"babe, we have to start on the project." y/n whined, pulling her hands away from his causing him to frown. she got up to go to the floor, but richie had different plans and pulled her right back where she was.

"nooo, i wanna sleep and cuddle with your hot ass self!" richie knew he sounded like a baby, but he didn't care at that moment. y/n laughed at him and continued to try to get up. she was not about to fail because her boyfriend wanted to cuddle, their teacher would not have it.

"richie i promise that we'll cuddle and sleep later. i don't wanna fail, it's so close to the end of the year!" richie groaned at the girl and got up to sit on the floor with her.

she grabbed the packet and read over the instructions. what they had to do was to figure out solar energy, the easy project came from their teacher being too tired to really grade anything hard. y/n started answering the questions that she was going to write on the poster board while richie looked at her with confusion. he grabbed his packet and copied everything she was writing down, not understanding most of the things she was writing.

"thank god you're so fucking smart babe. i would totally be failing right now." richie said in relief. y/n laughed at his nonsense and continued to write.

"richie babe, write down most of this on the poster. i'm gonna go pee." he nodded at the girl, pecking her lips before she left.

y/n walked over to the restroom that was next to his room and just looked at herself in the mirror. she smiled at her reflection, feeling confident with herself for once ((AS YOU SHOULD YOU GUYS ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL!)).

while she was in the restroom, richie felt himself drifting away and getting more sleepy. how long does it take a girl to pee? he put down his marker and went to his bed. laying down for a few minutes won't hurt, he thought to himself. his eyes started to feel heavy so he closed them, thinking they would just close for a few seconds.

the (tall/short) girl walked in expecting to see her boyfriend writing on the poster. she looked over to the bed and saw him sleeping. a smile formed on her face, seeing how calm he was. she got back down on the floor and continued to write what he didn't write.

she finally finished decorating the poster and walked over to richie's bed.

"hey, wake up and cuddle with me." y/n called out to her boyfriend. she shook him even more and he grabbed her, pulling her against his body. she smiled and inhaled his sweet smell.

"i love you y/n, but never try to wake me up again. i was having a cute dream with you in it."

"dummy i'm literally right here."

"shut up and go to sleep babe!"

"okay okay fine! grumpy ass." y/n whispered the last part which caused him to start tickling her. she started yelling out for him to stop and kicking at his body as he laughed at her.

"yeah, that's what i thought. now stop being cute and fucking sleep."

this dumb bitch finally updated! ok pero thank u guys so much for 1k reads what the FUCK?!?! :") take one of my piojos 🤲🏻 one time offer only! but seriously, thank you all so much 🥺 y'all beautiful 😂😂😂✋🏼 ok i'll stop being cringey HAHAHA ily go stream easier by 5 seconds of summer 😗✌🏼

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