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(part two of call me back!)

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(part two of call me back!)

It has been a week since the whole scandal that shocked many across the globe that knew of the fellow couple. The named "Power Couple" had everyone questioning whether true love was actually real. Finn Wolfhard has been seeing walking around town with now girlfriend Elsie Fisher and fans aren't very happy with him. Wolfhard's social media has been full of fans asking him how he could hurt the girl he called soulmate the week before pictures surfaced. Y/n Y/l/n has deleted anything about her former boyfriend from her socials and has been seen recently with friends. What's to happen next? Who knows.

y/n has been spending her days eating ice cream and crying after she found out about the news. trying to stay head up was terribly difficult for her. she was, well is, in love with the boy who turned out to be an asshole.

finn had showed up to her house, but her friends were always to the rescue by making him leave and rethink his choices and boy has he done that. friends of y/n were pissed at him for doing what he did which caused them to stop talking to him and talk to y/n to get her at a happy state.

"y/n, how're you feeling? you need to be honest with me, i'm your best friend!" enya questioned y/n in all seriousness. y/n just looked back at her and tears started flowing down her cheeks.

"i'm lonely, enya. i'm hurt. everything hurts. he threw me away like i am NOTHING. i thought he loved me, i really did. i'm trying to act like it isn't affecting me, but it's been affecting me in every way possible. i don't know what to do." y/n ranted to her friend as more tears escaped her y/e/c colored eyes. enya went in for a hug and the both hugged for what seemed like hours.

"talk to him. maybe then you'll feel closure. i love you y/n and you'll get over this! you're a strong and independent woman, don't let him break you."

those words stuck with her as she walked over to his (very) expensive penthouse. don't let him break you. don't let him break you. you're strong. independent. fuck him. all these thoughts ran across her mind the closer she got.

knock. knock. knock. she knocked on his door and the one and only elsie fisher opened the door. not being able to let out a word or even move, she stood there and just stared at her.

"c-could i speak to finn? it's urgent."

elsie looked at her with pity and nodded. she opened the door even more to let the heartbroken girl through.

"babe! i'm gonna head out! you have a visitor though!" elsie yelled out at the boy. she smiled at y/n and walked out of the shared home. y/n sat on the couch that had held so many memories of them.

she ran her hand through the place where they stayed up and told each other embarrassing stories that made them laugh so hard, finn almost peed his pants. she sadly smiled at the thought and looked over to see the table where they had breakfast that finn would always make calling it the "finn special". y/n started to feel overwhelmed by all the memories popping up so she decided to leave and possibly come back another time. her hand was on the doorknob when she heard,

"y/n? is that really you?"

she slowly turned around to see the shirtless man she wasn't supposed to love, but still did.

"in the flesh!" she joked back to him. who said you can't crack a little joke?

finn ran to her and hugged her, making her extremely stiff and teary eyed.

"oh my god i can't believe it's really you. i miss you. y/n why wouldn't you answer my calls? i need to explain. it's been so lonely without you." the last sentence made her scoff at him and pull away.

"you literally have a new girlfriend, finn. you aren't "lonely", but go ahead. explain yourself." his smile quickly faded away and he nodded. his head indicated to the couch so the two walked over to the memory filled couch.

"i'm so sorry y/n. i just wanted you to know that. i hope you know that i still love and care about you dearly. okay, so i had had a few drinks and elsie so happened to be there. we talked and she offered to drive me home. i, of course, said yes to her but something happened. we were talking outside and she just.. kissed me. i don't know why, but i kissed back. i regret it so bad. you're my soulmate. you're my everything. i'm so sorry." finn was basically crying by the end of his explanation. y/n put her head in her hands in an attempt to stop crying. she looked back at him and just stared. how could he be crying?

"oh, okay. thank you for telling me." she stood up, ready to go but finn grabbed onto her wrist. his face was laced with confusion and hurt.

"y-you're not gonna stay?"

"of course not, finn. drunk actions, sober thoughts. i'm done with you. completely."

this left the boy with his heart broken in two and the girl with her heart healing up.

hopefully everything will be okay.

ermmm.. i hope that was ok ?? i just wanted to write bc it's been so long! i'm so sorry! my life has been so hectic lately! i hope you all enjoyed <3 love you all


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