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he slammed his car door due to all of his anger building up inside

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he slammed his car door due to all of his anger building up inside. his boss had been adding extra hours to his work schedule knowing very well that the boy had a lot of school and family problems to juggle with. it was close to the end of the school year which meant finals which meant studying every. single. second.

full of absolute rage, tyler quit his job right when he saw his schedule. he had been working there for awhile and him suddenly leaving was also a shock for him. he needed the money, but his sudden outburst ruined him of getting some. thankfully, he had gotten his check a few days before.

he gripped the steering wheel and sighed. calm. be calm. the word calm kept on repeating in his head trying to think of some place that would allow him to feel that calming feeling that he so desperately needed.

y/n. right when that name came to his mind, he turned on his car and drove straight to her house.

she laid on her bed, petting her (dog/cat) while watching a random show on netflix. her whole friday was full of her just being absolutely lazy. they had no school so she felt that there was no need to go out and to just relax. she looked down since her phone buzzed and saw that her best friend, or crush, text her. she read the text that said "look outside" and furrowed her eyebrows as she walked to her window.

he saw her wave at him and he grinned at the girl. he grabbed his phone again and called her this time.

"tyler? what's up?" her voice rang through the speaker of his phone.

"come out here with me. i wanna go on a ride."

"haha tyler you're funny. i'm going to bed now." it was slightly late, midnight to be exact, but that never stopped them before. they had snuck out many nights but just to nearby places, not a full on drive to god knows where.

"come on, please! i'm so stressed y/n this would really help me." he begged to the girl. he saw her hesitate but she finally let out,

"fine. don't make me regret this. let me get my shoes." she then hung up and walked away from the window. he smiled and went back to his car, listening to some music while waiting.

y/n knocked on his door causing him to jump and look over to his right. he unlocked the door for her to get in and smiled at her.

"where we going ty?"

"anywhere but here." that's when he drove off.

it was silent between them, the only noise being the song that was currently playing and y/n humming along to it. he was wondering if he should tell her about the fact that he quit his job or if he should leave it off. his thoughts got cut off by y/n who shuffled in her seat. she got into a comfortable position to where she could lay her head. the red lighting illuminated onto her skin, making her look as if she was blushing all over.

"you're adorable." tyler said to the girl. she opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"the lights green." she whispered to him. he looked forward and went. on his right was a mcdonald's and he was considerably hungry so he went to the right lane.

"yum mcdonald's. i'm so hungry." y/n said in excitement. her sleep was forgotten and she was ready to eat.

he parked the car close to the entrance to the slightly empty mcdonald's. they both got out and raced to the door. due to y/n making it there first she opened the door for tyler, letting out a "ladies first" which made him burst out in laughter.

"the usual?"

"yeah, the usual."

tyler went to order the food while y/n walked around trying to find a perfect spot for them to sit at. she finally found one just in time since tyler was walking back to her with the tray of food in his hands. he put down the tray and grabbed his food. they ate in comfortable silence but then y/n broke it with a question.

"ty, what's wrong? why were you stressed?" he looked up at her and cleared his throat.

"well, i mean, like, you know um, i kinda quit my job."

"i'm sorry, you WHAT?" she put down her fry and gave him her undivided attention.

"they kept on adding so many hours y/n/n it was too much for me. finals are coming up and i need to study more. my family problems are just increasing. it's too much for me." he sighed and put his face in his hands. she looked at him with pity and grabbed his hands.

"difficult stuff like that is always going to happen, especially in a workplace. you just have to work it out. don't quit just because something doesn't go your way, you'll never make it in the workforce, silly. how else are you gonna make money?"

he didn't.. think of that. how else WOULD he get money? there was no other way than having a job. he groaned at the thought and held onto her hands even tighter.

"oh my god, i made it worse." she giggled at his remark and rubbed her thumb on his bigger hand. this calmed him, having her hold his hand. he wish you always held his hand. he loved everything about you.

"what would i do without you, y/n y/l/n?"

"you wouldn't survive."

he would never survive without seeing your beautiful face everyday.

okurt! this was so long wow i cannot believe i wrote that much LMAO. don't bully me, but i haven't watched dog days yet ahhh so i don't know that much about tyler tbh. i hope u enjoyed! thank u sososososo much for 500 reads on this book! you guys are the best :) i hope you had/have an amazing day/night. love you all!

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