Chapter 2 ~ Harleys POV

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The loud vibration of the school bell echoes throughout the vacant hall. Pulling a sheet of paper out my blazer pocket, checking what lesson I have next. My eyes wander across the paper. Friday, Period 3: P.E. I sigh, folding the paper back up and sliding it back into my pocket before marching down to the changing rooms.
Walking out of the stuffy changing room and into the GYM, looking out at all the people in my class. Hearing wolf whistles and lads aimlessly begging for me, while, 90% of the girls were death glaring me. I waddled past, feeling as if I was forced on stage with nothing to present.
Humiliation and megaly pressured.
Making my way over to Dawn, Rose, Kasi and Ari, sitting down on the floor beside them.
Rose leans over and whispers to me
"Ignore them, they're just horny and can't get a girlfriend".
I smile at her, knowing what she meant.
The rest of the day blows by like nothing. Walking home after walking Dawn home when 3 lads and what I'm guessing is their girlfriend come up to me and the biggest one gets right in my face.
"Hello sexy girl, wanna come back to mine to have a good time?"
I don't make eyecontact, I just stare at the ground and try to edge around the tall figure before me.
But he moves to stand in front of me once more.
I step aside.
But he follows again.
"Please... let me go..." Inaudible, my voice weak and shaky with fear.
"Not till you give me what I want" He sneers.
I don't look up from the floor. My eyes stinging from the up coming tears.
"Leave me alone..." Pleading. I didn't want this. But I guess I don't have a choice.
He takes several steps forwards, so I walk backwards, legs like jelly.
That's when my back comes in contact with a cold wall, keeping me stationary.
He traps me in the little box by surrounding me with his long, outstretched arms, using the wall to support him upright.
Closing my eyes. Shaking, feeling my world cave in.
Until I hear a loud groan and a thud.
I open one eye, seeing the perpetrator on the ground. Confidently, opening both eyes.
"Come with me! Quick!"
An unfamiliar voice sneaks it's way into the silence.
Looking up at the stranger in front of me, then looking down slightly, seeing their hand out in my direction.
Shyly, I take their hand and I pull myself into a standing position from my previous smaller frame. That was before I was pulled towards them in a hug. Hearing them whisper one thing in my ear.
"I'm Cody"

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