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Harvey knew what he had to do. He had to let the others know. Nobody else had any idea that it was in fact true. The boy was crying, knowing that he had the hardest job yet. He had to be strong for the others, yet mourn the loss of his friend without breaking the others anymore than they already are.
3 days later, the boy had surprisingly managed to keep their loss a secret until all were either awake from short unconscious spurts or out of hospital. So once Harvey had the guts, he decided to tell them all about the loss of their close friend. Knowing that he had to do it eventually.
He stood, nervously, in front of all of the group. Some sitting, some leaning, some standing and Jacob sitting up right in his hospital bed.
"I-I-I.." Harvey begins, already feeling the tears bud up in his lids. "I called you all here today to tell you some bad news..." The boy looks down, hiding his teary face from his beloved.
The others, quiet, patient to find out what this oh-so important news was.
That's when Harvey spits it out, "Harley commited suicide. She was the one who jumped from this roof. She's.. gone.." Harvey's voice breaks. Covering his face.
That's when the rooms silence was replaced from an unsettled silence to a distraught silence.
Cody stormed out the room, being followed by Nick and Phil. Only for the two to comfort the younger, who was breaking down in the hallway at the loss of his first love.
Dawn stands there, so emotional that she could cry, but too broken to even make a sound. So she just stands there in a broken silence, holding back the tears for her best friend.
Steven, Harry and Jake stand there in shock, not wanting to believe it, but the sudden wave of emotion changed their mind, resulting in them crying silently, sniffling loudly.
Jacob, like Cody, was heartbroken. His sister, his dear, beautiful sister, was gone. And he was too Ill to notice the fact that she was was struggling more than words could describe. He was breaking down into loud, heart wrenching sobs that matched Cody's faint ones.
Cameron, the deceaseds dad, was the one left to tell Ari and Rose of the bad news. Despite their negative feelings from what Kasi had told them, they both felt overwhelmed with guilt and despair that they locked themselves away for days, only to leave to get the smallest amount of food, or to go to the bathroom.

***8 years later, Cody's POV***

Trudging along the long, stone filled path, gripping on to the small and medium hands that occupied my sides. Overwhelmed with sadness as I neared my destination, spotting the group that I've loved for the longest of time.
"Unccie!!" The smaller of my occupants, my youngest son, Ash, screamed as he waddled over to the ensemble. Gaining the attention of Jacob, Jake and Phil.
"Hey bucko" Phil smiled half heartedly. Trying not to show too much emotion that he scared the child.
My slightly older daughter, Harley, let go of my hand and walked ahead, trying to catch up to her 3 year old brother.
Eventually, I arrive at the place I set to visit. Looking down at the stone in front of me.
This was the first time that I brought my kids along.
Ash was being occupied by Nick, Steven, Phil and Harvey. While Dawn, Jacob, Jake and Harry stood by my side, looking in the same direction that I am, emotionally hurt looks planted on their faces.
"I miss her.." I whisper, sealing my eyes shut.
"Me too, Code.." Jacob whispers.
Harry puts his arm around my shoulders, trying to comfort my fragile frame.
A sudden tug at my sleeve pulls me out of my daze of memories.
I looked down to see Harley, my daughter.
"Daddy. Who's the person on the stone?" The 6 year old asks.
I smile sympathetically at the child, looking over at Ash who's in Nick's arms.
Looking back down at my first born, I takes a hold of her hand.
"This, baby, is Daddys first love" I try to explain, trying not to cry.
"When did she die?" The younger inquiries, curious.
I stays silent, causing Dawn to speak up, "She died 8 years ago today, darling.."
The 6 year old nods her head, looking down.
"Daddy, look! She has the same name as me!" The younger smiles, not feeling the sorrow in the air.
"She does, princess. Well done." I sniffle, staying strong for my flesh and blood.
Silence then filled the air, with the entire group of adults and select few kids looking down at the grave before them.
Ash, over hearing the conversation between myself and his sister, spoke up.
"Dadda..." Ash began, making me look over at him. 
"Yes, buddy?"
"Huw dii shee dyi?" The youngest askes.
Causing the entire group to look down, not wanting to be the one who speaks up. Mainly out of fear for saying the wrong thing if they do say a word.
Jacob clears his throat before answering, "You see, mate, she was just too precious for this world. So gods Angel's took her away to a place called heaven. So now shes one of our guardian angels who look over us."
Ashs' eyes light up, "Evun mee?"
A few smile slightly at the youngers cuteness.
"Yes, even you" Nick smiles.
After that, the group continues to live their lives with Harleys memory. Remembering the good times and bad. Never forgetting our favourite moments that we shared with her. For her memory will never leave us. And she will always be loved.

We miss you, Harley Howell. I hope you're not suffering any more.


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