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The 3 sat outside the addressed house, silent, the only noise was the cars engine in the background and the rattling of mysterious items in the back of the car.
"Are you sure you don't want us to go in with you?" Nick asked the girl, "We do have the others hiding around in the area", he peers at her in his car mirror.
She nods her head, "I'm sure. I don't want to risk your lives. I don't even know what's in there myself"
Nick raises his eyebrow, opening his mouth to argue. But Phil interrupts.
"You do you. But if there's as such as a loud bang, we're coming in there. Got it?", his glare full of fire. Burning for the protection of his mates sister.
She nods her head, saying a quick "Thank you", then gets out the car.
Making her way to the front door, unknowing of what is behind it. Her legs unsteady, knees cracking together like maracas in a Mariachi Band.
The girl gently knocks on the door, feeling weak. But there's no answer. She knocks louder, and still, nobody answers. She goes to knock again but then there's a voice, one she recognises but can't put her finger on who.
"Come in"
Inside the house, Ben sits there, looking smug.
He was so close to winning.
Harley makes her way in, scared, she closes the door before turning around and being met with her nightmare.
The person she had been avoiding for the past 4, maybe even 5 years.
"Hello.. Harley.." The boy smirks at the sight of her, he'd missed it.

Meanwhile, in the basement, Dawn was listening to the conversation upstairs.
She heard Harleys name and turned to Cody, who was looking a bit better and was feeling more lively now.
"Harley. She's upstairs" Dawn mouthed to the lad.
He perks up, he hadn't heard her in ages. 3 years to be infact.
Then he listens, trying to hear for her sweet voice. His body craving it.
"B-Ben..." Harley chokes out, feeling weaker, her heart beating obnoxiously loud.
"Hello gorgeous.." Ben grins, his facial expression sadistic.
Cody heard this, and he yelled out at the top of his lungs, the anger at Ben for talking to his girl like that swarmed, it took over his body.
Dawn winced as he yelled, feeling her ears pulsate after the loud call.
Harley heard the yell, she jumped. And felt the tears prick her eyes like pins.
Cody was here.
She knew it was him.
Ben growls, he stands and grabs Harleys hair, dragging her down to the basement too.
She lets out a scream of pain.
On his way down, Ben grabbed the item he keeps for emergency situations and points it against Harleys head, holding her in a headlock in front of the two captives.
"Make another fucking noise, either of you, and her brains are going up the wall, got it?" Ben threatened.
Cody nodded his head, scared. He had just seen Harley and didn't want to lose her just like that.
Dawn was glaring at Ben.
"You cunt. You're a sadistic BITCH!" Dawn yells, but then screams out of fright as a gunshot echoes throughout the room.
Ben hadn't aimed for anyone in particular. And he didn't hit anyone either.

Nick and Phil, who were sitting outside the building in the car, heard the gunshot. They looked to eachother and knew exactly what had to be done.
They sent a text to their group chat.

🤜Save Harley🤛

Nick: We heard a gunshot, get out here now.

Harry: Oh crud, we're on our way

Jacob: We're coming too!

Harvey: US too!

They all made their ways out their hiding spots and out to Phil and Nick.
Phil opened the boot of the car and took out their backup. Objects like bats, slingshots and a couple licenced guns.
They took one quick look at eachother and nodded their heads. Knowing that they had a mission ahead of them.

Harley was shaking in fear, she didn't want to be a part of this.

The group outside charged for the house, kicking the door down. Ben looks up at the stairs leading to the ground floor with crazed, blood shot eyes.
Then silence.
Ben turned back to the two captives humans and the one in a headlock.
He points the gun at Dawn, then at Cody.
"Which one shall die first, hm? Dawn the bitch, or Cody the ass?"
His finger tightening on the trigger as he locks his eyes on his target, Cody.

"Oi! Tosser! Think fast!" Jake yelled as he shot a rock at Ben, hitting the top of his head.
Ben snaps his head up to look at the others, which makes him turn his body and shoot at the intruders.
All but one were able to escape the shot.
Steven got shot, and he screamed out in pain.
Harley looked up and saw blood pouring out of Stevens leg.
Horrified and scared for her friend, she cried out.
Ben shrugged his shoulders, only to come in contact with a Nick, who ran down the basement stairs in burning hatred.
He'd shot his lover.
He'd hurt his boyfriend.
Now he had to pay.
Nick managed to knock Ben down, making him let go of Harley as he gets tackled.
Nick throwing punches at the phsycos face.
Harry and Phil tending to Steven, trying to pick him up to get him to the hospital.
Harley lands on the floor, seeing the gun that Ben dropped next to her, she looks over to Nick, seeing him attacking Ben.
Then the worst of the worst happens.
Jacob and Jake rush over to Dawn and Cody to untie them from their restrictions.
Ben notices this, he knees Nick in the balls, pushes him off and rushes over to his gun that's lying beside her, Harley scrambles to snatch the gun, but she's too late.
Ben grabs the gun from the floor and shoots, Harley stands, rushing to grab a brick from off the floor and weakly throws it at Ben, luckily, it hits his shin and he falls down, the circulation being cut off from his foot, allowing Nick to pin him down and keep him down.
And a limp body falls to the ground.

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