1. That's what love is, right?

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I'm sorry I couldn't be more perfect. I'll try harder next time. I'll make sure dinner is on the table by the time you get home. I promise it won't happen again. I promise, it was a mistake. I lost track of time.

I deserve my punishment. I deserve all the name calling. I deserve for my skin to be painted black and blue. I was stupid and wasn't thinking. You work so hard all day only for I to let you down when you come home. You don't deserve that when all you do is take care of me. Punish me like you think I deserve. You don't have to worry about people seeing the bruises I'll just tell them I'm just clumsy like always.

Please just don't leave me. You're the only person I have left in my life. I'm not complaining either. I know you only wanted what was best for me when you made us move and change our phone numbers. I was okay with it because they were trying to separate us. They thought you were wrong for me but they didn't know anything. They didn't understand our love. They couldn't see how much you love me and how much I need you.

That's everything you want me to say, right?

That's love, right? You love me, right?

Sometimes I think back on the old days when we first met. You were the popular jock with guys and girls drooling over you. I felt honored when you picked me to be with. I was so lucky to have even caught your attention. You could have picked anyone in the whole school but for some odd reason it was I who you wanted.

I remember all the pointless conversations we had. You made me laugh like no other. I couldn't stop smiling around you. Even when you weren't around just the thought of you would blossom a smile on my face. I was happy with you.

You made me feel safe around you. Like you would protect me from all the dangers in the world. I trusted you even when everyone told me there was something off about you. They told me you weren't good for me. When I told you this you made sure to let me know they were just jealous of what we had. Of course they were. Who wouldn't want you? I was lucky to have you. All my friends wanted you. Yeah, yeah, that's it. That's why they never liked you. My parents are just old they don't understand what relationships are like nowadays. Yeah that must be why they never approve of you.

I recall the first time you laid your hands on me. It was six months into our relationship. Everything was going great up until that point.

During one of our dates a waiter had tried to flirt with me. I didn't flirt back. I never once said or did anything to reciprocate his advances. I was only trying to be polite when I smiled at him but you didn't see it that way. 

I found it odd how you suddenly got quite. The ride back to your house was dead silent. You wouldn't even let me put the radio on. I remember how white your knuckles got from holding onto the steering wheel so tight. I was scared but I said nothing. Everyone was out of the house so you could be as loud as you pleased. You screamed in my face not caring that you were making me cry. You called me a cheater and a slut. You asked me if I was fucking him behind your back. I wasn't. I didn't even know the guy.

Even though I was crying I screamed right back at you. I told you you were being dramatic. I tried to explain that I never flirted with the waiter, that you were the only one I wanted.

You told me not scream at you ever again. I, of course, screamed again asking why I wasn't allowed to when you were screaming even louder then I was. That's when it happened. You raised your fist striking me right in the mouth, a metallic taste filled my mouth. I was bleeding. But that hadn't been sufficiently enough for you. You swung a second time this time hitting my nose. It was like a fountain of blood. I had feared that you had broken it, it hurt like you had.

I backed away from you crying and holding my mouth. You told me you didn't mean it. That it was an accident. I tried getting away from you but you only followed me and hugged me. You shushed my cries and told me you were sorry. You lied that it would never happen again. And I believed you. I believed you because I loved you.

Because that's what love is. Right?


Jimin sat numbly on the bathroom counter. His gazed focused ahead at the wall not sparing a glance at the man wiping away at his bloodied face. "All clean." He whispered kissing the males neck. Jimin flinched feeling the lips travel down.

"I'm tired." His voice was raspy from screaming. His throat was scratchy and sore. His entire face was sore. The man ignored his statement as he continued kissing his body. Jimin didn't try to protest nor did he consent with what was happening. He stayed quiet. Not a single sound left his mouth as he allowed the man to use his body for his pleasure. Only silent tears left his eyes as he stared up at the ceiling as the man above him did as he pleased until he was finally satisfied.

"I love you Jimin." He whispered pulling the boy close to him. The bruised male didn't respond. "I said I love you." He growled his grip painfully tightened. Jimin hissed at the pressure being applied on his ribcage they would be bruised the following morning. "I love you too Taemin." He places his hand over the man's in a silent plea for him to loosen his grip, but if anything it tightened.

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