6. Late night vist

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Like I said before I'm so thankful to have had Yoongi.

"Oh, look at this one!" Yoongi jumped around the baby store. He looking and grabbing anything that was cute in his opinion.

Jimin just giggled in amusement. "Yoongi I don't even know if it a boy or girl yet." The college boy halted his movements. "So? A boy can own a pink stuffed bunny and a girl can have a blue stuffed dinosaur. Nothing I'm picking has to do with the gender." He spoke matter of factly. Jimin only smiled shaking his head.

"I can't afford all of this." He said a bit embarrassed.

"Well, who said you would pay for all of it? I suggested we come here therefor I'm paying for this." Yoongi shrugged.

"No absolutely not." Jimin protested trying to take the basket out of the boy's hands only for Yoongi to pull it closer to his chest before turning to walk towards the checkout lines.


I already know how much you hate him. But I think it's just because you know you will never be able to compare to him. He's better than you in every single way.

He's kind. Caring. Funny. Selfless. He's just everything anyone would ever want to be.

I wasn't stupid I knew if you knew I was close to him you wouldn't be happy. So he was my little secret. Not in an affairs type of way, as much as you would like to think that, he respected our relationship. Like I said he only ever wanted me to be happy and if he thought that my source of happiness was you then he would hide his feelings for me. Selfless.

But I did lie to you. I told you I was doing over time at work but in reality I was with him. I can already tell you're withering in anger knowing I was that close to another man. I hope it hurts knowing someone else, way better than you, made me happy. I spent all my free time with him. And slowly I started to have feelings for him.

But I had you.

You know I had always tried to push away thoughts about him but honestly no matter how much I tried my mind would always lead me to him. I constantly thought about what it would be like to have him instead of you. I thought of how much better he would be than you in every aspect. Sometimes when we would have sex I had to think of him just to feel a little bit of pleasure. Bet you're happy to know that little piece of information.

But I was still your puppet. So at the end of the day you were still what I would go home to. You were the last person I saw when I went to bed and the first thing I saw when I woke up. I loved you so I was content with this.

Taemin smiles as he placed the peanut covered banana slices in front of the male. It was Jimin's latest craving and Taemin was kind enough to give it to him.

"Enjoy, love." He said planting a kiss on the boy's lips. He stood up straight adjusting his uniform. Jimin reached over to straighten out his badge that laid crooked on the older's chest. "I might go out with some of the guys later after my shift." The younger flinched. That was never a good thing to hear.

"Okay. J-just don't get too drunk remember I have a doctor appointment tomorrow morning and you promised to go with me." Jimin said with a mouth full of banana. Taemin cringed a little at the sight but decided not to say anything.

"I won't, promise." The man kissed his lips before squatting down to kiss the male's tummy.

I never spoke badly about you to him. I always said you were a great guy and that you did everything in your power to make me feel safe especially since I didn't have family around. In his eyes you were the perfect guy for me. Loving and caring.

So when one night I randomly showed up to his house, shaking and scared, that's when he realized it was quite the opposite.

"Hey." Jimin whispered once the door opened. His eyes were red and puffy with wet cheeks. Yoongi didn't ask questions as he opened his door wider letting the hooded male in.

"Was it the pizza guy?" He heard footsteps approaching making the younger boy his head down so whoever it was couldn't see his face, his hoodie also playing a part in hiding his features.

"No. My friend is here so you guys can play the movie without me." Yoongi told the male before grabbing Jimin's hand to lead him down the hallway to his room. "Keep it down! Use protection!" They heard the hollers of the older's four roommates.

Jimin had unknowingly interrupted movie night, a tradition the five who lived there had. Every Friday night they would gather together to de-stress from the long week of work and college. It was unusual for one of them to exclude themselves from it.

"You okay?" Yoongi asked once they were in his room seated on his bed. Jimin bowed his head letting out a sigh as more tears began to gather in his eyes. "Hey, you can tell me anything. I won't judge."

Jimin never ever told anyone anything that happened between him and Taemin. It was always top secret but for whatever reason he thought he could trust Yoongi so without much hesitation he opened his mouth and told him everything that had happened that night.

I don't even want to talk about what you did that lead me to him because honestly it still gives me nightmares. I'll never forget how disgusting you made me feel that night. You're an animal, Taemin, I hope you regret it. Knowing you you probably don't. You're probably proud of it you sick twisted bastard.

But just know you are the reason I crawled to him. YOU.

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