19. The end

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"Hello welcome to Kim's. I'm Jimin I'll be your waiter today. Can I start you off with drinks?" Jimin asked taking out his notepad. It was his first day back to work after the tragedy that happened two months ago.

Jin was very kind and understanding of the situation and gave him all the time off he need with a guarantee of not losing his job. Of course two months was a long time so when he went to ask Jin he was sure the man would tell him he has been replaced but he was surprised when the man hugged him and told him he could start the following day. He was hoping for a shift with Yoongi but the man had class all day leaving him alone on his first day back.

Yoongi was hesitant to let him go back alone and almost missed his classes just to be around the boy but Jimin reassured him he'd be fine. He was nervous since Taemin still hadn't been arrested. He was under investigation but from the way things seemed to be going Jimin wasn't sure if an arrest would ever be made.

The man was still trying to contact him sending text after text. Calling multiple times a day. He threaten to find him, it was only a matter of time before he did, and that's what scared Yoongi and Jimin the most. As of now Taemin didn't know where Yoongi lived so he couldn't just hunt him down but he was aware of where he worked.

He thought it was safe. Taemin wouldn't risk publicly hurting him, right?

"Okay I'll be right back with your-"

"You stupid bitch!" The voice boomed through the diner making Jimin immediately freeze at the familiar voice. He slowly turned stumbling back a bit when he came face to face with a red faced Taemin. "Where the fuck have you been?!" He voice making the male flinch aggressively.

"I-I" the boy stuttered not knowing what to do. His eyes scanning to see the quickest exit.

"You've been very naughty boy. I lost my job because of you." He growled stepping closer. Jimin's eyes met the man he was serving moments ago. He stared with curious eyes but made no effort to help the clearly distressed waiter.

"You need to leave now." His voice wavered. Taemin raises an eyebrow letting out a loud laugh.

"You think you're brave now?" He reaches over snatching the man by the wrist pulling him close. Jimin pulled trying to released the man's deathly grip.

"Stop!" He shouted when Taemin wouldn't let go. The man turned around shoving the boy into a table dropping all the condiments on the floor. "Do you know what mess you've made?!" Gasps could be heard from costumers who were minding their own business up until now.

Instead of cowering away like he knew Taemin wanted he furrowed his eyebrows glaring at him angrily; ignoring the pain in back. "I'm making sure you finally pay for everything you did. You're an abusive bastard. A murder. You killed your own so-"

He grabbed him by the neck pulling off the table, he lands roughly with loud thump. Jimin screeched as Taemin grabbed his ankles when he tried to crawl away.

"Let him go!" Namjoon said running out from the back after hearing all the commotion. He tried to get close only to be pushed against the counter roughly. He groaned. A couple of scared customers screamed and children who were around bursted into tears. "I'm calling the police!" Jin's frantic voice was heard a couple steps away.

Jimin kicked his leg out managing to hit the man hard on stomach. He coughed releasing his tight grip. "The police are on their way!"

Taemin gave him one last dirty look before turning and rushing out of the diner. "Are you okay?" Jin rushes to his side checking for any major injuries.

Jimin nodded turning his head to see Namjoon sitting up with a painful expression on his face. "I-I'm so sorry." He cried as he crawled to the man's side. "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have came back here."

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