7. Leave him

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Yoongi sat on the bed his eyebrows furrowed as he listened to every detail Jimin told him. His stomach twisting and turning hearing what the younger had just endured. "I-It's happened before but this time it was-" the younger let out a shaky breath as he put his head in his hands. Yoongi wrapped his arms around him holding him as close as he could.

His breathing was labored as he fought the urge to just get up and drive to Jimin's apartment to beat Taemin until he completely unrecognizable. "You're okay now." He whispered. "What do you want to me to do Jimin?" He asked slightly pulling the male away so he could look him in the eyes.

"J-just hold me please."

I don't even want to talk about what happened that night but you know it's sad to think that's the not worse thing you've ever done to me. Far far from it. The worst was yet to come I just didn't know it yet.

I think the worst part of that night wasn't that you left me with bruises because quite frankly you have left worse but I think the most unfortunate part was that you completely shattered any amount of confidence and pride I had within myself. You made me feel dirty all over. Something I struggle with months later.

"You don't deserve someone who would do that to you." Yoongi whispered running his fingers through the males hair. He could feel Jimin's tears fall on his arm since the male was using his arm as a pillow.

"He's my boyfriend." His voice was raspy from all the crying. "Maybe I'm overreacting."

Yoongi quickly sat up pulling the boy up along with him. His hand gripped onto Jimin's. "No." He said sternly. "No you are not overreacting. Don't ever think that because someone who loves you would never ever do that to you. Someone who loves you wouldn't leave these marks on you." The college boy pointed at the finger marks where Taemin had gripped and pulled at the male. "Especially because you are pregnant with his child. He should have never laid a finger on you. He should have never risked hurting you or your baby, Jimin."

"Shut up. Y-you don't know what you're talking about. He's my boyfriend of course he loves me." The male protested wiping away the tears that just seemed to keep falling from his eyes.

Yoongi clenched his jaw. "You say this has happened before," he started off with his voice low and gentle. Jimin shrugged looking away. "Jimin that's not okay. That's not normal. You said stop." He whispered trying to make eye contact with the younger. "No matter what if you say stop or no he needed to stop. I-Why would you defend him?"

Jimin stayed silent not saying a word.

I just don't get how you did it without seemingly no remorse afterwards but whatever. It happened. You know what you did. I don't know exactly what you remember since you were drunk.

I know for certain you don't remember me having to struggle with fighting off your grip afterwards to try and escape from the apartment.

I walked all the way to Yoongi's house and he gave me comfort. He gave me advice that I now regret not appreciating because if I had I would have avoided so much pain but I still wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt.

"He's not good for you." Yoongi whispered. There was a long tense pause as countless thought ran through Jimin's mind.

"You don't know anything." The boy stood up making his way to the door.  "Maybe it was a mistake coming here." His hand was on the door knob but before he could turn it Yoongi and pulled him away. "I shouldn't have told you!" He shouted fresh hot tears making their way out of his eyes. "I-I should have kept it to myself. He's my boyfriend this is normal. I'm overreacting a-and so are you!"

Yoongi shook his head "you aren't. This shouldn't have happened. You know that. Maybe your in denial but deep deep down you know it's true. You know what he did was wrong and you know that he's not a good person. You know you deserve so much better than him." He rushed out the words scared that the man in front of him will run out without letting him finish.

Jimin was shaking as he stared into Yoongi's eyes taking in every one of his words. "I-I don't know what goes on in your relationship but if he's willing to take advantage of you like he did I'm scared of what he's done before and what he'll do to you in the future. Please Jimin just don't go back to him."

"Where do you plan I go to, huh? I don't have family. I don't have friends. He's the only thing I have. I'm having a baby with him Yoongi for Christ sake. I can't leave him. I can't let my child be fatherless."

"You have me! I'm not going to tell you all this just to abandon you. I'm here for you. You can stay here with me. I'll help in anyway I can with your baby. Just please please just leave him." The male plead ready to get down on his knees in front of him. Jimin let a sob escape his lips as he shook his head.

"Can't Yoongi." Yoongi was scared for the male. He truly was. "I need to leave." The college boy didn't allow it grabbing onto the male hugging them tight.

"No!" He yelled his grip tight as to not let the man go. "A-at least for tonight. You said he was drunk so please just for tonight stay." It toon a while but Jimin finally nodded. "Okay, okay. Come on let's lay down."


I believe this story won't be very long since I have a picture in my head as to what I want to happen and I don't see it being long but we shall see. Also wow I updated much quicker this time.

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