3. Yes

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The one thing I had that was my own was my job. It wasn't anything amazing. I worked at a diner named Kim's. It was a decent sized place with a decent sized salary. The diner itself was cute with red booths, white walls, and a checkered floor. It gave off an 80s vibe.

That's were I met him.


Yoongi is, to be frank, gorgeous. He started working at the diner about a year after I had. He had blue hair at the time that made him look paler then he actually is. He also alway seemed to wear brown contacts that were a couple shades lighter than his natural eyes. Don't even get me started on his smile. I just wanted to melt at the sight of it. He was only working at the diner to get a couple extra bucks while he worked on finishing college, something I wasn't allowed to do because of you.

When I met him I was deep into the spell you had casted on me. Every thought I had about him I was quick to push away. You were already so insecure about me cheating on you I didn't want you to have a reason to actually doubt me even more.

"Morning Jimin. You look nice today." Yoongi complimented the boy who was walking past him to get to the back room where all their lockers were located at. Jimin couldn't help the blush that crept up on his face. He always felt giddy by the small comments made by the man.

"I look like I always do." He answered dryly. Yoongi has made several attempts to be kind with him but each time he would either respond uninterested or he wouldn't respond at all. Taemin would throw a fit if he made friends with the beaut.

The older smiled cheekily at the younger. "That's the point. You always look nice."

Even with my desire to befriend him I simply couldn't. I think at the time I feared he'd be just like you. He was sweet at first until I finally let him in only for him to flip a switch and show his true colors. Just like you.

So I tried my best to ignore him. I tried pushing him away so many times but he just kept trying and trying. It didn't help that Jin would constantly give us the same schedule. We worked so many hours together. Instead of being yelled at for the mistakes I made I was being assisted in fixing them. It felt foreign.

And for whatever reason I didn't like it. I hated that he was constantly around me. That should have been you I was always with. Not him.

"Hi baby." Taemin walked in with a bouquet of roses. Jimin couldn't help but let the smile bloom on his face. "For you, my love." The older handed him the flowers slightly leaning down to accept his thank you kiss. "Go get your stuff I'll take you out to eat somewhere nice."

Jimin's smile grew wider as the giddy feeling flowed through his body. He bit his bottom lip nodding. He rushed to the back room overly excited that he was finally gonna get to spend some one on one time with his boyfriend. "Yoongi!" He shouted seeing the man packing up his stuff since his shift had just ended. "Do you think you could cover my shift?"

"Uh..." The man looked down at his bag with a thoughtful look before nodding his head. "Where are you going so happy?" He asked placing his backpack back into the locker.

"My boyfriend is taking me out." He gushed. The older faltered. "Oh, you have a boyfriend." He clears his throat giving him a forceful smile. "Uh have fun." Yoongi watched the gleeful boy rush over to his significant other.

Things weren't always bad. Every once in a while it was like we would switch back into the honeymoon stage. God, I loved those days. On those days you would take my out and it'd be like we were newly into a relationship. No one could separate us on those days. We were love sick puppies.

It absolutely amazing. Sometimes that would go on for several days at a time. The longest was a month. I know that for certain because that was the month you proposed to me.

"It's so pretty here." Jimin gushed looking around the restaurant. "This place is probably so expensive." He mumbled too scared to look at the menu.

"It is." Taemin smiled glancing up from his own menu and up at his love. "But its worth it. Get anything you want baby."

"You're in a good mood today." Jimin couldn't help but point out. Taemin sighed rubbing his fingers throw his hair. "I know lately we've had a lot of downs. Things at work have been extremely stressful and I'm sorry for taking it out on you. I promise I'll try my hardest not to do that again."

The younger nodded his head a small smile dancing on his lips. "It's okay." He places his hand on top of his boyfriends, rubbing the pad of his thumb against the man's knuckles.

"I'll treat you like the king you are from now on." Taemin looked down. He took a deep breath before continuing. "I really love you Jimin. You are the best thing I could have ever asked for. You make me happy and honestly I can't see life without you. I want to grow old with you. So," he stood from his seat to kneel next to Jimin's seat. He reached into his pocket pulling out a box that contained a silver band with a little diamond "will you do me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me?"

Jimin froze. Did he want this? Did he really want to spend the rest of his life with this man? The man that he had been with since high school. The man that he had created so many memories, both good and bad, with. Jimin didn't know what life would be like with out Taemin. He'd be lost. So without hesitation he finally responded. "Yes"

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