10. Peanut butter fudge brownies

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"I know I still have months to go but I literally am starting to feel like a blimp. I can barely see my feet now when I stand up straight." Jimin pouted looking down where he could only see the tips of his shoes.

"That's cause you have small feet." Yoongi said as he passed him with a tray of food in hands. Jimin gasped offended as he watched the male smirk to himself while serving the customers.

"I do not have small feet." Jimin whined the moment Yoongi was back behind the counter.

The college boy let out a laugh. "Okay if you wanna be in denial about your tiny feet than we can do that." He chuckled watching as the offended look covered the younger's facial features. "We can ignore that fact about you. It's okay." He patted Jimin's shoulder sympathetically.

He slaps Yoongi's hand away glaring at him. "Fuck you and your gigantic feet."

The male threw his head back laughing thrown off by Jimin suddenly cursing at him. "You know what they say about big feet." He winked a small smirk on his lips.

"You know that ego probably over compensates for your small-"

"Jimin!" Yoongi shrieked placing a hand over the male's mouth. "What is up with you today? You're a little extra feisty today." his eyes were slightly wider than normal.

The male slaps the boy's wrist directing him to remove his hand from his mouth. "I'm pregnant." He exhales a long breath placing his hand over his bump. The college boy rolled his eyes.

"Oh god you know what I really want right now." Jimin suddenly perking up. "Peanut butter fudge brownies."

Yoongi raised his eyebrows giving him a funny look. "You really love peanut butter."

Jimin nodded his head almost moaning at the thought of the tasty snack. "This one always has me craving it." He pointed to his bump. Yoongi only smiled at the male reaching out letting his hand hover above the male's stomach silently asking permission. The younger took his hand placing were he could feel his son moving. It was only recently that people could begin to feel movement from the outside.

The only one Jimin had let fell was Yoongi. Taemin didn't even know the baby's kicks could be felt yet. He wasn't exactly sure why he kept a secret from the father but it just felt right so that was what he was doing.

"Does it feel weird?" The college male asked.

Jimin shrugged "I mean a little but I like it. It makes me know he's okay." Yoongi smiled at Jimin brightly.

"Well I'll be back." He pulled away.

Jimin gave him a questionable look. "Where you going?"

"I'm taking my break."

"Okay... but where are you going." Yoongi didn't answer as he made his way into the staff locker room before coming out a minute later and leaving the diner.

He didn't return until fifteen minutes later when he still had half of his break left. He had a plastic bag in his grip as he gestured Jimin to follow him into the locker room.

Jimin informed Jin he was taking his break before entering after the boy. He stood there with a plastic container of peanut butter fudge brownies. "Here you go." He said handing him the goods before taking out a packet of mini donuts to enjoy for himself.

He was practically drooling at the sight of his craving. "Thank you Yoonie." He said sweetly hugging the male.

The boy grunted. "It's for the baby now hurry and eat." He pulled away stuffing a donut in his mouth. Jimin didn't wait another moment to being devouring the treat.


"I can't believe this." Jimin groans staring down at his phone. Yoongi raised an eyebrow questioning what was wrong. "Taemin can't pick me up so I have to walk home." He answered the silent question.

Yoongi squinted his eyes at Jimin. "You live to far to walk. I'll take you."

"No I can't ask you to do that." Jimin protested but mentally hoped that Yoongi would argue with him.

"Shut up I wasn't asking you. I was informing you I was taking you." Yoongi said taking Jimin's wrist to lead him to his car.

The car ride was filled with music and the two purposely singing badly along with the songs playing on the radio. The two were laughing at themselves and had big smiles on their faces once they were parked outside Jimin's building.

"You have arrived to your destination." Yoongi announces mimicking the voice of a GPS. Jimin stared up at the building not wanting to get out yet and return to his home life. "Will you okay here?" The older asked with a serious look on his face.

Jimin hummed but didn't make a move to leave the car instead turned his head to look at Yoongi analyzing his features. "Your hair is fading." He points out reaching up to run his fingers through the faded blue hair of the male seated next to him.

Yoongi unconsciously leaned in to the touch. His eyes fluttering shut feeling the younger twirl locks of hair between his fingers. "You should dye it a different color now." He whispered.

"What color?" The boy also spoke in a low tone.

"Pink." Yoongi's eyes snap open.

"Pink?" He questioned. Jimin laughed at his reaction retreating his hand away from Yoongi's head.

"Yes pink. I think it would look good." He said almost proud of his suggestion. The older smiled rolling his contact covered eyes. "I'll think about it."

Jimin pursed his lips. "You shouldn't wear colored contacts all the time. You're gonna dry out your eyes." He said after taking a moment to stare at the light brown contacts.

"Okay I won't." Yoongi nodded his head giving the male a smile.

Jimin glances up at his building again. "Okay. I'm going now." He mumbled leaning over the middle console to plant a kiss on the boy's cheek. "Thank you for the ride." He said it quickly before leaving the car and rushing to enter the apartment complex wanting for the other male to not witness his blushing cheeks.

Yoongi had his own set of scarlet cheeks as he sighed holding the kissed cheek. "What are you doing to me Park Jimin ?" He placed his forehead on the steering wheel before snapping up to look at the time and curse under his breath when he realized he was late for class.

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