16. Devil himself

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The room silent other than the constant sniffed and sobs that came from Jimin. He was clinging onto Yoongi. His against the man's chest. The college boy held him tight running his fingers through his hair. He could feel Jimin's entire body trembling. His skin was hot to the touch from a fever as his body was fighting off an infection he acquired after the emergency C-section the boy had gone through.

"Yoongi?" His voice wavered. The older hummed pulling the blanket higher so that it covered his shoulders. "What am I supposed to do now? I have no family I can go live with. I-I can't go back to that apartment. I can't go back to him." He cried. Yoongi would feel the tears soak into his shirt.

"You'll come stay with me. It's a little cramped cause I have four roommates so you'll have to stay in my room." His voice was barely above a whisper. Jimin closed his eyes letting more tears escape.

"Why are you so kind to me? I tried to hard to push you away when we met. I-I didn't listen to you w-when-" a loud sob escaped his mouth followed by a whimper caused the stabbing pain from the incision on his stomach.

Yoongi shushed him slightly rocking him. He kissed the top of his head fighting off the tears that wanted to escape his own eyes. "I'll be right back okay." He said slowly getting out of bed.

"W-where are you going?" The boy grabbed his wrist preventing him from leaving. He looked terrified at the idea of the older leaving him all alone.

"I'm just going to call Jin and tell him why we haven't shown up in the past couple of days. I also have to call my roommates. They don't know I'm here so they're worried. I'll be back okay. It shouldn't take long. I'll be right outside the door so just call my name and I'll come running." He spoke gently as if he spoke any louder the boy would completely shatter. Jimin nodded his head releasing his grip.

Yoongi kisses his forehead before walking out of the room. He leaned against the wall squeezing his eyes shut and taking deep breaths. It was hard seeing Jimin in this state. Emotional the boy was a mess and couldn't stop crying for more than an hour. Physically the boy was covered in bruises. His face was covered with hues of red and purple especially on his mouth it was a deep shade of plum-- it almost looked black-- a huge gash on his bottom lip that the doctor had to stitch up. He also had stitched on his head from where Taemin had cracked it open. His arm was bandaged up after they picked out all the pieces of glass out of it. Jimin's torso looked the worst. There was not a single area that didn't have blue or purple. He had a couple fractured ribs. It was horrible.

Yoongi wanted to murder Taemin. He wanted him to look ten times worse than what Jimin looked like.


The one thing I'm so curious about is whether you even feel guilty about it. Or are you that heartless that you don't feel an ounce of remorse. I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't.


"You know we have to report this right. You have to press charges." Yoongi said later that night.

"I'm scared. W-what if I do and nothing happens. He'll be furious and try to hurt me again." The boy mumbled.

Yoongi shook his head. "He'll never hurt you again. I won't let him." He grabbed his hand squeezing it softly. Jimin closed his eyes tears escaped them. His eyes were bloodshot and the skin around it red from constantly rubbing them. His eyes were so dry that it felt like he had a little grain of sand in them. "You can't let him get away with this. He needs to be in jail." The younger nodded.

"Okay. You're right." His voice was barely above a whisper. He was trying to gain his composure. He was tired of crying. "But can we wait till after I get Haneul's a-ashes and I'm out of the hospital."

Young nodded "okay if that's what you want but we have to take pictures for evidence. I know the doctors and nurses will have to testify but this will show the extent of everything."


I really really hope you get some sort of help because you can't be normal. There is something wrong with you. There has to be for you to be acting this way no normal sane person would do the things you did.

I remember when we both decided to move here I remember your mother's reaction. She seemed so relieved. I didn't get it at first. Most parents were worried about their kids going off into the real word but your mom looked like she could finally breathe. Now I get it.

You're just like you dad. You said you were so happy when he passed away because that meant you weren't under those living conditions anymore but now I see that's not why you were glad. You were glad because you were able to replace him. That's why you had everything you ever wanted isn't it? You were so much bigger than her. You're stronger than her so you used that against her. You did this to your mother too. You always claimed you never wanted to be like your dad yet here you are just as bad as him. No scratch that you're even worse than him because at least your dad wasn't a murder like you. How does that make you feel knowing you're worse than who you claimed was the devil himself. You need to get what you deserve.

But don't worry you're about to.

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