14. Should have known better

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I should have known better. I should have never even mentioned it but I was so angry. I didn't know know thing would turn out how they did.


"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Jimin came in to the apartment heated. Taemin sat calmly on the couch a beer in hand. "Why would you threaten him?!" He yelled slamming the door shut.

Taemin raised a brow scanning him up and down. "Who do you think you are talking to me like that?" He asked standing up slowly stepping towards him but Jimin didn't stand down. He glared intensely at him.

"I'm the person caring your child. I'm your fucking fiancé that's who I am! You need to start treating me like a fucking human being instead of an item. You can't control me like you have been. This has gone to far! Now you've threatened Yoongi? My only friend! What the fuck goes on in your head to let you think that-" He was cut off by the older throwing the beer bottle against the wall shattering it. Shards of glass flying everywhere.

He stood before the boy with his fist and jaw clenched. His nostrils flared and his face turning red from anger. Jimin heart sunk as he stared at the glass covering their floor. "You're crazy." He mumbled in disbelief.

A sinister smile creeping onto the police officers face. "He's given you courage." He whispered eyeing the male. "Why do you care so much about him?" His hands went up to cup the side of Jimin's face. "Tell me Jimin how long have you two been fucking?" His grip tight on his face.

"I've never cheated on you."

"Liar!" Before Jimin knew his he was slammed against the floor shards piercing his skin. He had no time to process the pain as Taemin leaned down grabbing a hand full of hair before slamming his head into the ground. "It's his isn't it?" He questioned digging his nails into the skin on Jimin's bump.

"I-I've never had s-sex with him. H-he's j-just a friend." He cried out. Taemin scoffed slamming his fist down where his nails were just seconds ago. Jimin gasped curling up.

"Why are you stuttering if it's not a lie?"

Because you just slammed my head into the ground you lunatic! Jimin wanted to shout but remained silent. Taemin stood towering over the male. The younger silently begged for the man to walk away instead he aimed a strong kick against his round belly knocking the air out of him. The force of the kick making him slide against the floor slamming onto the wall behind him.

"Taemin no!" He weakly shouted trying to shield his belly as best as he could but to no avail. Kick after kick was aimed at his stomach as Jimin cried. He was pleading, begging him to stop. Begging him to think of their son.

"He's not mine!" Taemin yelled finally halting only to kneel down to wrap his hand around Jimin's throat squeezing. "You're a filthy whore! Who did you open your legs to? Huh?! Who's kid are you trying to make me believe is mine? Is it that waiter? Did you open your pretty little legs for him? Did you beg him to fuck you?" He shouted. Jimin desperate tries to pull the hand away. "Beg for him to cum in you?"

"H-he's yours!" He gasped out struggling to get even the smallest amount of oxygen to say it.

"Don't lie to me!" He lifted his head up just to slam it back onto the ground releasing his tight grip.

"Please." Jimin cried only to receive another kick this time to his mouth. "Stupid whore." Taemin spat on him finally walking away.

The boy laid there withering in pain for a moment until he finally heard the door slam shut.

He was gasping for air. A metallic taste filled his mouth. He couldn't feel his son moving. He weakly pulled out his phone whimpers escaping his lips as his entire body radiated with pain.  "Hello." His voice was hush making Jimin feel a small amount of guilt remembering the boy was in class.

"H-help." He yelled out in pain right after feeling almost like someone had stabbed him directly in his stomach. He heard shuffling in the other line and other voices but Yoongi didn't seem to listen.

"I'm on my way. I'll be there as soon as I can. Talk to me please. Tell me what happened?" Jimin let out another cry. "Everything hurt."

"Okay. Jimin I'm going to hang up really fast to call an ambulance for you okay?"

"No, I'm s-scared." A sob escaped his lips.

"I'm five minutes away. I'll be there soon." His heart was in his throat. He didn't know exactly what was wrong. He didn't know what to expect to see when he entered the apartment. "Okay? J-just try to stay calm."


Isn't that sad? Knowing he was there for me after what you caused.

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