18. Sincerely

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Jimin's hand shook as he looked down at the paper. There were tear drops smudging certain words but it was readable. He wasn't sure if this was all he wanted to say. It probably wasn't but the longer he sat here and wrote the harder it was getting to continue and to find the right words to express the emotional destress he was in without constantly repeating the same words over and over again. He slammed his hand on the table out of frustration.

His life wasn't supposed to turn out like this. He was supposed to be happy with his baby in his arms and a loving husband that didn't hit him for simply leaving a dirty dish in the sink. He was supposed to have his family surrounding him and loving him.

But he chose Taemin and by the time he realized that life wouldn't be like that it was all too late. He had lost everyone he ever had in his life leaving him to depend on the abusive man. He stuck in this situation with no escape until now. He was brainwashed into thinking everything that happened was normal because to him it was. He was with him for years constantly hearing that anyone who tried to help was just jealous so in his mind everyone was.

It wasn't like he could have left any sooner either. He didn't have to money for it. He worked part time and his pay check wouldn't have been able to cover his living essentials. Yes, Yoongi had offered the male to stay with him when he had ran to him one night but Jimin hadn't really seen it as an option. The college boy had roommates that wouldn't be happy with that arrangement. He wasn't stupid he knew they didn't exactly like that he was living there now they would have absolutely disagreed back then especially since he was pregnant. A baby in a house full of college kids wouldn't have worked out. The roommates wouldn't have been the only issue.

Taemin would never ever let him leave without a fight. Jimin didn't want to cause any issues for Yoongi and by accepting the offer he would have. Taemin would have picked a fight with the male before dragged Jimin's ass back home and locked him up. Even now after beating him till he lost the baby Taemin was still trying to get a hold of him to bring him back home.

He was terrified of the male, he still is, but after such a tragedy he had to do this. He had the proof of how far the abuse went from all the pictures they took of the injuries. The doctors and nurses could testify the extent of Taemin's beating. There was no way Taemin couldn't go to jail but there was still fear in him that he would somehow get out of it scot free.

It made him nervous to think about because if that was the case he knew Taemin would be angry like never before. He's thought about hiding from him until the man doesn't care anymore but he knew he couldn't do that. Not only because he wasn't sure Taemin would ever leave him alone but because he knew that at some point the older would try to find another partner and do everything he did to him to someone else. He didn't want anyone experiencing what he did.

"Are you ready?" The sudden voice makes him jump but quickly calm down when seeing Yoongi with a bag of his clothes. "Sorry." He mumbles.

"Yeah just about." He mumbles scanning over the letter. He took a deep breath taking out his engagement ring from his pocket placing it at the bottom of the paper.

"Let's go to the police station." He whispers giving the apartment one last look. He never wanted to see this place ever again. It was filled with way to many negative memories.


You're going to get everything you deserve. Every single hit ever single name you called me. I know it's not going to be easy and I know it's going to take a while but I'll make sure you get several several years behind bars were you'll rot. By the time you get out you'll have nothing. It's what you deserve after everything you put me through. This is justice for our son.

Hope you enjoy your time in jail!

Sincerely your ex-fiancée,


His heart is pounding at a speed he wasn't aware was possible. He rubbed his palms against the sweatpants he was wearing as he hesitatingly approaches the counter his head bowed down. "Can I help you?" Jimin looks up seeing the familiar face makes his heart drop.

"J-Jimin?" The male questioned taking in all males visible injuries. "W-What happened to you? Taemin just left I can call him to come back if you-" Woosung looked at him utterly concerned by his best friend's Fiancé's appearance.

"Don't!" He shouted alarming the police officer. "I-I came to press domestic abuse charges on him." He rushed out. Woosung's eyes widened.

"Jimin, do you fully understand and are aware of the claim you just made?" The boy nodded confidently.

"He did this to me. He's been hitting me for years now. I-I lost the baby because of him." The man had his brows furrowed not believing what he was hearing. He lifted a folder up. "T-this is the medical report from recently. I have a couple from the past when it went far and if that's not enough I-I got in contact with his mother and she's willing to testify against him"

"O-Okay. I'll go get another officer and we'll take you to the back to get your statement." He said walking away. Jimin glanced behind him. Yoongi gave him a reassuring smile.

"Follow us." Woosung instructed another officer, who he knew as Jongin, right behind him. Jimin glanced back one more time at the college boy before following behind.

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