17. Roommates

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"You can sleep on the bed I'll take the floor." Yoongi said guiding the boy inside his room. Jimin limped inside the teddy bear urn tightly in his grip. He was bundled up in a pair of Yoongi's sweats and an oversized hoodie. His bruises showed very little signs of healing but it's only been a week and a couple days so they didn't expect much progress.

"You shouldn't sleep on the floor. Your back will hurt. We've been sleeping on the same bed at the hospital this won't be much different." He mumbled sitting on the edge of the bed. He whined lowly at a pinching pain in his ribs. "Can I get some water please." Yoongi nodded quickly leaving the room.

"Yoongi what's with the guy." One of his roommates asked. They were all seated on the kitchen island watching as Yoongi poured a glass of water and grabbed an ice pack from the fridge.

"Don't worry about it." He mumbled wrapping the ice pack in cloth so that the younger could place it in his ribs.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean don't worry about it? You just brought a stranger to come live with us without even asking or telling us exactly who he is. What if we don't want him to be living here? This is all of our home and we all pay rent it's not all up to you if he gets to live here." He glared at the older. Yoongi had gone missing for days only to inform his housemates that he was in the hospital with his friend and said friend would be staying with them. It left them confused with lots of questions as to who was staying under their roof.

He tugged at the roots of his faded hair feeling the stress of the last two weeks building up. "Can't I explain later? I ha-" he stopped talking when he heard footsteps approached. All the roommates heads turn to the new addition of the house.

"S-Sorry you were taking long." Jimin said avoiding all the eyes that were clearly observing him. Their eyes wide as they see the large contusions on his face. The hoodie covered the rest but they knew there had to be more from the way the man held his side and the slight limp and hunch when he walked.

"You should be in bed." Yoongi scolds but handed him the water nonetheless and watched patiently as he chugged it before handing it back. He traded the empty glass for the ice pack which Jimin quickly took it mumbling a thank you. He stood their with his eyes aimed to the floor as he waited for Yoongi to join him to his journey back to bed. The older refilled the glass up knowing the boy needed it to take his meds.

"Hi. I'm Taehyung." One of boy's greeted reaching out his hand to take. Jimin shook it but still didn't meet his eyes. The sleeve of sweater slid up a little exposing the edge of the bandage only peaking everyone's interest more on what exactly happened to him.

Anyone could see the wounded boy was uncomfortable, even a bit scared, to be around all these unfamiliar men. Yoongi took his hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Everyone this is Jimin. Jimin you just met Taehyung. The guy next to him is his boyfriend Jungkook. The one with red hair is Hoseok and sitting on his lap in Mark; they're also dating." He said quickly introducing them. "Okay that's done let's go back to bed. I'll meet you there a in a second." He whispered gently placing the glass of water in his hand. Jimin nodded turning to leave; the ice pack and cup tightly in his clutches preventing his hands from shaking too much.

Once he was sure Jimin was out of earshot he turned to the four boys. "Look I met him at work. He and I are super close and he really needs my help and somewhere to stay. It's not my place to tell any of you what's happening but just trust me. I really care about him." They all had pitiful looks on their face.

Mark sighed "I'm okay with him here as long as you really trust him." He glanced at his boyfriend who gave him a nod of agreement. Yoongi turned to Taehyung and Jungkook with hopeful looks. They sigh but nod "as long as he's not a thief or murder he can live here." Jungkook said.

"Thank you." Yoongi said relieved. He wouldn't have abandoned Jimin if they said no. If anything he would have left with him to some hotel but them agreeing just made life much easier. "I'm going to go to him." He rushed out the room.

Jimin was seated on the edge of the bed when he entered. He was struggling to open a bottle with his pain medication. Yoongi slowly approached him taking the bottle from his hands doing it for him. The younger mumbled a thank you. The college boy sat next to him observing as the other took the pain killers but his attention was quickly snatched away when the boy's phone buzzes consistently against the table starling both males.

Taemin's name flashing across the screen. Yoongi picked it up denying the call. For a slit second the male saw all the text messages Taemin had spammed the younger with. He didn't get a good look at any of them before a picture of Taemin covered it and the buzzing continued. He was tempted to answer it and tell him to go fuck himself but instead he simple denied it before turning off the phone.

"He's been calling for the past week." Jimin whispered. The blue haired didn't answer just pulled him into a hug. "Tomorrow when he's at work can you come with me to the apartment? I-I want to get a few things."

"Of course." Yoongi said running his fingers through his hair to sooth his nerves.

"After we'll go to the police station."


I think maybe 2 more chapters

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