13. The lie

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"Are we okay?" Jimin asked after the deafening silence surrounded them became intolerable. The diner was closed at the moment and the two were prepping for when it opened. A couple of their coworkers were in the kitchen doing their own task.

"Why wouldn't we be?" Yoongi mumbled but not bothering to look at the boy. His sole focus was on rolling the utensils into a napkins. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows as he lazily wiped the counter top in front of him.

"Well it's been a couple days since we've talked and I don't know." He shrugged "I feel like you're angry at me."

Yoongi shrugged. "I'm not angry at you Jimin. I have no reason to be." He said finally finishing up his task and grabbing a few of the cleaning supplies so that he could start cleaning some of the tables.

Jimin frowned. "Well then why have you been ignoring me?" He follows behind the male as he walked to the other side of the diner.

The college boy took a deep breath shrugging. "I'm doing what you want, Jimin."

"What does that mean?" The younger asked.

Yoongi licked his teeth dropping the rag he was using to wipe the table as he stood up straight to look at Jimin with a vexed look. "I'm staying away from you. Keeping a distance. That's what you want right? I make you uncomfortable?" He said it in a calm voice but Jimin stared at him with a wounded look. "W-What?"

"The only reason I ever told you anything is because I wanted to protect you for getting hurt. You don't see it you don't want to believe your relationship is toxic then there's nothing I can do." He shrugged. "But you know next time if you have an issue with me instead of sending your little boyfriend to threaten me just say it." Jimin froze. "It just hurts knowing that that's really how you feel about me but whatever lesson learned I'll stay away." He turned his back to the younger continuing to wipe the tables clean.

The younger's heart pounded. What did Taemin do. "I-I don't know what you're talking about." His voice was barely above a whisper but it was loud enough for the intended boy to hear.

"Taemin stopped by told me everything you said to him about me, what you really think about me, and threatened to beat my ass and arrest me for harassment if I didn't leave you alone. He said that's what you wanted for me to leave you alone." He answered dryly. He wore an unimpressed look.

"I didn't say anything to him." The younger quickly said realizing what exactly was going on. "H-he's a liar!" His voice came out loud and desperate for Yoongi to believe him. He couldn't lose Yoongi. He just couldn't.

"Whatever." The boy mumbled.

"I'm serious Yoongi! I-I never said anything to him. I don't want you to keep a distance. I love being around you and he knows that that why he's doing this!" Tears were streaming down his face rapidly. "I can't lose you please. You're the only person keeping me sane right now. Please don't believe him." He kneeled down in front of him. The college boy stared with furrowed eyebrows as the boy clutched onto his leg.

"Jimin stand up." The boy plead grabbing his arm tugging him up. "I'm not going any where just stop crying. It's okay." He held the crying boy tight. "It's okay. I'm right here." How badly has Taemin broken him? He questioned to himself feeling the boy shake.


You tried to threaten him to stay away from me. I couldn't handle that because if it wasn't for him I'm sure I would be gone by now. It may seem to you that he played such an insignificant role in my life but he didn't.

Even with the things going on at home I'd come to work and I saw the contrast of what a good guy was like vs what you are. I had someone who I had grown close to who cared for me. I had someone who made butterflies erupt in my stomach something I haven't felt in so long. He made me feel good about myself not like I was garbage. He acted like he was lucky to be close to me not the other way around.

So when you tried to separate us I just couldn't handle it. So I confronted you.

Now this this was the moment you have crushed me beyond repair. This is the worst thing you have ever done to me and I want to you remember all of it. I want you to feel the pain I feel because fuck Taemin I never knew this pain was possible.

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