11. Meeting

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"I think this one is cute." Jimin said holding out the paint swatch to Taemin. The male looked at it before nodding his head in approval. "Yay." The younger exclaimed excitedly clapping his hands like a child. They were finally going to decorate the baby's nursery. Jimin was ecstatic imagining all the cute little decorations they could add to the room.

"Baby do you want to add stuff or do you want just the plain green color." He asked walking over to the guy behind the counter to ask for the cans of the mint green paint Jimin wanted.

The male hummed. "I was thinking we could do it animal theme so maybe get like decals or little framed pictures of, I don't know, elephants and giraffes. Stuff like that. And maybe once we settle on a name get one of those wooden letters of the first letter of his name." He had a vision of what he wanted.

Taemin hummed giving him a small smile. "Anything you want, baby." He whispered leaning over to place a kiss on his fiancé's lips. Jimin bites his lip after they separate as Taemin caresses his cheek. The older wrinkles his nose placing his thumb under the male's lip pulling down releasing it from Jimin's grip. "Don't do that."

"Here you are, sir." The man placed the cans in front of them. Taemin quickly paid taking the cans in his hands but extended his arm so that the younger could link arms with him. Jimin gratefully did happy to be spending time with the male.

"Where to now?"

"Can we eat? We are starving." Jimin said rubbing small circles onto his belly. The police officer looked at him with a fond look. "You are too cute."

"Anywhere in particular, my love?" He asked. Jimin shook his head. He didn't care where they went he just wanted any type of food to consume.

Taemin drove to the nearest restaurant which happened to be the diner Jimin worked at. "Is this okay or would you prefer something else?"

"It's fine." It wasn't often Jimin actually ate at the place so he wasn't tired or bored of the food. He was actually a little excited since he knew how good the food was.

Taemin walked around the car opening the door for the boy. "Such a gentleman." Jimin commented lacing his fingers with the older's.

"Hello welcome to Kim's I'm Namjoon I'm your waiter for today. Can I start you off with something to drink?" The waiter said placing a menu in front of them. Jimin recognized him as the owners boyfriend. He was only temporarily working there since he working on getting a degree for teaching. He spent any free moment with Jin so Jimin didn't really know him all that well. The two just asked for water and the waiter was off to retrieve said waters.


You've hated Yoongi since the very moment you meet him.


The couple sat in silence as they look over the list of options. It wasn't long until the glasses of water were placed in front of them. "Hello your previous waiter has gone on his break so I will be taking care of you today." Jimin lifts his head hearing the very familiar voice. "Oh hey Jiminie." Yoongi smiled at him noticing the boy was the one seated in front of him.

"Hey." He whispered in a small voice glancing over at Taemin who staring at Yoongi with furrowed eyebrows. "Taemin this is Yoongi. I work most of my shifts with him."

The pair shook hands but the tension in the air was thick. Jimin could tell both males had a tight grip on the others hand. They stared at each other with a blank stares neither releasing their grip or eye contact until the younger cleared his throat making Yoongi bring his attention back to the boy but Taemin still held his intense stare into the side of his head. "Uh nice to meet you." The boy retreated his hand giving the cop a force smile. "Are you ready to order?"

"Yeah." Taemin respondes before Jimin could. "I'll have a chicken melt and he'll have a Caesar salad." He ordered for the both of them closing the menu handing it to the college boy.

Yoongi wrote in the note pad before looking up "alright a chicken melt. What would you like Jimin." He said taking the menus but turning his focus to the pregnant male in front of him.

"I already told you what he's getting." Taemin snapped but Yoongi payed no mind to him knowing fully well the boy wouldn't order just a salad since he's been talking about how his appetite has been huge lately.

Jimin switched between looking at each of the male's before bowing his head and mumbling "a double cheeseburger and fries."

The college male smiled writing down the order. "I'll be back with your order soon." He turned on his heels walk away from the table not missing the dirty looks Jimin's fiancé gave him.

"The nerve of that guy. He's fucking rude and how could you go against what I said." The male snapped glaring at Jimin.

"I-I'm sorry but I'm really hungry." He stuttered out. They had been having such a great day if he knew coming here would ruin that he never would have suggested it.

"Fucking fat pig." The insult stung making the male stare down at his belly in shame with tearful eyes.

"Here you go." Jimin didn't dare to look up at Yoongi as he placed the plates in front of them. "You okay, Jimin?" The boy asked concern seeing the boy fidget with his fingers.

"He's fine. You can go now." Yoongi slowly turned his head to look over to the annoyed Taemin. Jimin wipes his tears on his sleeve. Yoongi immediately noticed the wet sleeve only making his blood boil.

"What'd you do to him?" The college student snapped his hand balled up in a fist.

Taemin stared at him with a blank face as he responded with an eerie calm voice. "Just told him the truth. That he's a fatass" he shrugged carelessly.

"You're a bitch. He's pregnant dumbass. If he wants to eat something more than a salad let him. What? Is your ego wounded that he won't follow your every order or something?"

"You have some nerve talking to me like that." Taemin stood up so he was standing at the same height as the waiter. Customers around them turned to look at what all the commotion was. They both stood glaring at each other, their fist clenched tight nails digging into their palms.

"Please stop." Jimin grabbed Yoongi's wrist pulling him closer to him and further away from Taemin.

Yoongi glanced at the male anger clear in his face. It wasn't anger at the boy for grabbing him but anger over the fact that Jimin would let Taemin just call him names. Jimin flinched as Yoongi raised his hand but the male only ran his fingers through his faded hair.

"Enjoy your meals." He mumbled walking away bumping shoulders with the police officer as he walked past.


He defended me and you couldn't stand that. 'Why does he care so much?' You'd question. You thought for sure that meant there was something between him and I. But there wasn't. He's just a descent human being.

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