9. Convincing

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You brainwashed me. I see that now.

"Congrats." Yoongi mumbled looking at the ultrasound photo. Jimin was bouncing around happily announcing it was a boy. "Any names?"

The male shook his head. "Nope. I have time so I'm not stressing but Taemin already has some ideas." Yoongi made a face of disgust at the mention of the male's fiancé.

Jimin frowned. "Don't do that." He scowled the older. Yoongi only rolled his eyes. He would never act like he was okay with Taemin ever again.

"I just think you could do so much better." Yoongi said walking past him to attend to some customers that had just walked in. Jimin scoffed. How could he do much better than Taemin. "I'm serious!" Yoongi said turning to look at him after he heard the scoff.

"What's better than him?" Jimin asked with a raised brow.

Yoongi smile. "Basically anyone." He paused. "Me to be more specific."

But I was in denial before now.

"Come one." Yoongi stomped his legs as he spoke in a whiny voice. "Just come eat with me. It's just lunch." Jimin sighed. He wanted to he really did but he couldn't do that to Taemin. Could he?

"Stop over thinking it. Just think of it as two friends who are hanging out. Getting food. That's exactly what it is after all." Yoongi pushed.

"I don't think Taemin would appreciate that." Yoongi sighed shaking his head.

"Fuck what Taemin appreciates or not."

"He's my fiancé. I'm getting married to him. I have to respect what he likes and doesn't like. If he doesn't want me hanging out with guys then I gotta respect that." Jimin sighed as he spoke.

"So if Taemin suddenly didn't like you working you'll respect that quit? You'd just stay home locked up?" Yoongi watched with raised brows as Jimin simply shrugs. "If thats what he wants."

"You don't deserve to be treated like that. You know that right? You deserve to be treated like royalty because damnit you're literally the kindest person I've ever met. Leave him, Jimin. You can do so much better than him." He repeated the same phrase for the past month. 'You can do better than him' and he'll continue to repeat the phrase until Jimin believes it.

Yoongi didn't know the extent of the abuse the boy endured. He only truly knew about what had happened the night Jimin came to his house. He knew there was verbal abuse since Jimin did admit to that that night but he didn't know about the beatings. He still believed that time Jimin was 'out sick' he was actually sick. He didn't know the full extent of things yet here he was with the little information fully aware Jimin deserved better.

Jimin glared at the male. "He's my fiancé-"

"Exactly your fiancé not your owner. From what you've told me he acts like you are his property. That's not how relationships work." The male stated. The younger was getting more and more annoyed with every word that left the man's mouth.

"You're not in a relationship. How do you know how it should work?" He was angry. Yoongi could see that but he didn't feel like this was something he should back up from. He wanted Jimin to listen to him.

"For relationship to work. You have to have trust and love and so many other factors that yours seems to be missing. I've been in relationships before healthy ones and toxic ones. And yours is infested with toxicity." Jimin clenched his fist taking a deep breath crying to ignore Yoongi words.

"Do not tell me about my relationship. You don't know anything. He's sweet to me too. It's not all bad." He argued through gritted teeth.

Yoongi groaned wanting to smack his head out of frustration. He took a deep breath nodding his head. "Okay fine this conversation is over for now." He began to walk away out of the staff locker room.

"Where are you going?" Jimin asked.

"I'm starving so if you won't go out to eat with me I'll just go alone." He stated not turning to look at him.

"We work at a diner why can't you just eat here?" The younger protested following behind him.

"Because I've eaten just about everything on this menu and want to try something new. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go before my break is over."


So Yoongi tried and tried to convince me. He tried to open my eyes to the truth. I knew deep down that everything he said was true but I wanted us to work out so bad. I wanted our son to live in a household with both parents. I wanted him to be lived by us both equally.

I imagined that when he was born you would become this really loving father. That you'd show him everything you knew. Like football. I remember our little conversations about how you wanted him to be just like you can join the high school team when he was old enough. I was really looking forward to that. I really was.

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