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"Cheryl, maybe we should get married." I ask quietly. She turns away from the movie. "What?" She ask quietly. I pull out a ring and get down on one knee. "Cheryl Blossom, will you make the the happiest person alive and- and marry me?" I ask nervously. She starts laughing. "What?" I look at her nervously. "I was going to as you the same question." She pulls out a ring. "Great so we're on the same page?" I get up. "Yeah." I pull her into a kiss. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you." She kisses me. I get the ring on her finger. I rap my arm around her. We continue to watch the movie. There's a knock in the window. "God." I look at Veronica. I roll down the window. "What the hell do you want?" I ask pissed off. She hands Cheryl a paper and walks away. "What the hell was that?" I ask her quietly. She laughs. "Nothing you need to worry about yet." We've been dating since High School. "I don't know how Jason has kept this from you." Cheryl cups my cheek. "Probably because he knew I was going to propose to you." I whisper as I kiss her neck. "Wait If Veronica was here, who's watching Jason?" She sits up in a panic. "Betty!" She nods. "Right." She whispers. "Speaking of Jason and kids. Remember around your birthday last year you were talking about adopting?" I ask quietly. "Yeah. Why?" I shrug. "It's been a year, maybe we should reconsider it." I suggest. "See this is where we go don't see eye to eye. You were right, it's more for Jason I feel like though. I don't know how he will do with another kid." She whisper. "Well we could talk to him about it, obviously he's going to resist at first, but if we warm him up to it." I tell her. She thinks for a minute. "Are you sure?" She ask. "Yeah." I whisper.

"Jason, come sit down we need to talk!" Cheryl yells from the dinning room. Jason walks in and sits down. "Am I in trouble?" He ask cautiously. "No! We just want to bring up something that we have been thinking about doing for a while." I say quietly. "Ok!" I look at Cheryl. "We were thinking about having another kid." He looks at us confused. "What do you mean?" He ask quietly. "Well we were thinking about adopting a kid. So you might have a younger brother or sister." Cheryl tells him. "Oh, what does adopt mean?" He ask now really confused. "When we take a kid who's parents don't want them. It's kinda like if we got a cat. Because we are never getting a dog!" Jason and I look down disappointed. "What about me?" He ask quietly. "Am I?" We both shake our hands. "No! I had you." Cheryl reassures him. "Ok, so when is the kid getting here?" He ask. "Well we still have to go through the process, we're still not even sure if we want to do this." He nods still trying to process everything. "Ok." That's it? No, screaming? No anything? Just 'ok." Is this the same kid that when I stepped on a leaf, he cried for a hour? I look at Cheryl in shock. He gets up and goes back to what he was doing before. "What the hell? That was to easy." I get up and close the door so he can't hear us. Cheryl and I look at each other for a minute in shock. "So we're doing this?" She breaks the silence. "There's got to be more, he's never agreed to something that easy." I sit in front of her. "I guess we are." I smile. "Now we have 2 major life choices to make." She says sarcastically. "Speaking of that. Do you want to tell your mom?" I ask seriously. "No." I nod. "You sure?" I ask. "She sent me to conversion therapy!" I nod and sit back. "You're right. You're right." I whisper.

"Come on bud. It's time for bed." I walk into the Jason's playroom. He looks up from his legos and runs over to me. "I'm not tired!" He insist. I pick him up. "Well it's just you and me tonight. Do you want to go for a walk?" I ask. He nods. "Yeah. Where did mommy go?" He ask. "She went out with aunt Betty and Veronica, to get ready for the wedding." He smiles. We go downstairs, I place Jason on the couch. I grab his shoes and help him get them on. "Which coat?" I ask grabbing two of his. "Do I need one? It was warm earlier." I nod. "It's a little chilly out." He gets up and grabs the blue one in my left hand. I help him zip it up. "Come on. We'll just take a walk around the block and come back." He takes my hand and we go outside. "Don't you need a jacket?" He ask quietly. "I have my sweat shirt." I tell him. "Why don't you ever go on that?" He points to my bike. I laugh a little. "I do, you just don't see me on it. Because mommy doesn't want me on it. Ever." It's kinda annoying. We walk around for a while. I look at the time. "Do you want to go to Pops?" I ask. He nods. "You don't have to go to school tomorrow." I tell him. "What about mommy?" He ask as we walk in. "What about her?" I ask as we sit down in a booth. "Won't she be mad?" He ask. "Probably but you won't be dealing with the consequences that is called you call mom." I say quietly. He looks at me confused. "Never mind." He rolls his eyes. Holy shit he's Cheryl. "What?" He ask causally. "You're so much like Cheryl." I whisper. "Who's that?" He ask concerned. I sit back. "Mommy." I say quietly. Pop walks over and gives us our usual. We eat and talk about everything. I pay and stop Jason from taking all mints. "Come on." I whisper as I reach for his hand. He raises both his arms up for me to pick him up. I pick him up and walk out with him in my arms. We walk back to Thistle House and by the time he's sound asleep. I open the door and go upstairs. I slowly open the door to his room and lie him on the bed. I get his jacket off. He slowly wakes up. "What- what are you doing?" He ask half asleep. "You need to get into your PJ's it's late." We get him changed and he quietly falls asleep. I kiss the top of his head, turn off the light and walk out. I take a deep breath. I go downstairs and watch tv to pass the time. Cheryl walks in giggling like a idiot. "Hey babe." She walks in. "Heyyyyyy!" She whispers. We go to the kitchen and I get her some water.

"How was Jason, last night?" She ask quietly. "Good, he didn't want to go to sleep at first so we went to Pops, I gave him enough food to put him in a food coma." She smiles. "Why aren't you mad?" I ask concerned. "Because I do the same thing when you're working late." She tells me. "Ohhhh. Yeah I thought you would be pissed." She shakes her head. "No, a little because I have a feeling you kept him out later than he needs to be." I nod. "He was in bed by 7." I say quietly. "He is the mini version of you." She looks at me confused. "Emotionally. Physically he's your brother, maybe even emotionally but I never met him." She cups my cheeks. "He would have loved you." I play with her hair. "You think?" I ask quietly. "He was the first person who knew that I liked girls." I pull Cheryl into a kiss. "I love you." I whisper. "I love you." She kisses me. "Ewww!" Jason walks in.

"You may kiss the bride." The pastor announces. I laugh and pull her into a kiss. "Ewww!" Every time. "Jason! Let them kiss." Betty tells him. Cheryl picks up Jason and kisses his cheek. "I love you both." Cheryl whispers.

"We have a little girl her name is Sarah, she's the same age as your son. Her parents died last year, so there will be some issues with trust and just emotionally." The woman hands us a folder. We look through it a few times. We look at each other. "It'll be a learning curve for all of us." Cheryl suggest. "Let's do it." I say happily. "Yeah."

They stare at each other for a few minutes. Not knowing what to think of each other. I look up at Cheryl and take her fry. I wink. "Well?" I break the silence. "I'm jason." He sticks his hand out to shake. Sarah shakes his hand cautiously. "I'm Sarah." She smiles. Cheryl and I fist bump. Why? I don't know! But we did!

"What's your name again?" Sarah ask quietly as I tuck her in. "My name is Toni." I whisper. "Toni." She repeats. I nod. "Can you stay until I fall asleep Toni?" She ask terrified. "Of course. Do you want the light on or off?" I ask quietly. "On." I stroke her hair. She leans into my hand. I take a deep breath, this breaks my heart. She looks up at me. "You ok?" I ask. She shakes her head and starts crying. "Hey, it's ok." I whisper and pull her into a hug. "You're ok." I reassure her. She slowly stops crying. "I'm scared." I nod. "I know. It's ok, nothing is going to hurt you now." I tell her. "Let's try to get some sleep." I whisper. "Ok." She lies back down and slowly falls asleep. I kiss her head and walk out. I leave the light on. I turn in the light in the hallway just in case. "Mom!" Jason whispers from his room. "What's up bud?" I ask quietly. "Can you turn off the light?" He ask. "No. Sorry." I whisper. "Please?" I look out for Cheryl. "Just close his door he's old enough." She whispers. I nod and go back to Jason. "How about we close the door?" I ask. He nods. "Ok." I slowly close the door. I walk over to Cheryl. "We'll leave the door open for Sarah." I whisper as we walk into our room. "Why are you so good with kids?" She ask quietly. "Well, I get what she's going through right now. And Jason's adorable." I lie down. "I'll stay up and check on them tonight." I whisper. "No, you spent all day." I shake my head. "It's ok." I reassure her. "Fine." She gets in bed and goes to sleep. I stay up and check on Sarah every couple of minutes. It's now about 3 and she wakes up in a panic. "No!" She yells. I run in. "Hey, what's wrong?" I sit on her bed. She just cries into me. "It's ok." I whisper. "Can you lie with me?" She ask quietly. I nod. "Of course." We lie down and she snuggles right into me. I don't sleep at all I just hold her closer every time she starts to panic in her sleep.

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