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"Toni what happened?" Cheryl ask quietly. "Our daughter. I really don't think she should be in school right down. She was kicking and screaming and I couldn't do anything about it. Cheryl she's not ready! She has serious attachment issues, Cheryl you need to listen to me." She finishes wiping the bloody nose Sarah accidentally gave me. She looks at me. "Cheryl, she's not ready." I whisper. "We'll see how she does." She looks down. "Can we talk about last night?" I ask quietly. "What is there to talk about?" She ask looking up at me. "Last night it was obviously angry sex." I whisper. "So? It was amazing." She says quietly. I kiss her neck. "You're right, we haven't done that since before we got married." I whisper, my voice deep and low. "Toni." Cheryl moans quietly. "We should do that more often." I whisper in her ear. My phone starts ringing and it's the school. I get off the counter and pick it up. "Is she ok?" I put my finger up to stop Cheryl. "Toni Topaz, how may I help you?" I answer. "Hi, i'm Rebecca the school phycologist and your daughter has had a meltdown and we need you to pick her up."  I take a deep breath. "Ok we'll be there in a minute. Thank you." I hang up and grab my coat. "What happened?" I turn around. "Get Jason."

"Hey you're ok." I hold Sarah tighter. "You're ok, I've got you." Sarah cries harder. I look up at Cheryl worried. She just looks down. I rock Sarah slowly and try to stay strong. She starts to calm down and fall asleep. I lie her in her bed and Cheryl and I go downstairs to her office. "Toni she's a mess." I look at her like she's crazy. "Well maybe if you told me that you were you were worried about this, than we wouldn't be having this problem in the first place!" I yell. Cheryl looks down. "We're taking her out of school and homeschooling her until further notice." I say pissed off. "Cheryl this is all your fault!" She looks up at me and I realize what I just said. "Cheryl, I didn't mean-." She pushes me back. "Have fun on the couch." She walks out of her office. "Cheryl." I stop her. She looks at me and I can tell she doesn't want anything to do with me right now. "I'm gonna go to the wyrm for a bit to our minds away from each other for a minute. When I get back we're going to talk about it." I start to walk out but get stopped. "I wish you didn't drink so much." I turn around and walk over to Cheryl. "I don't go there once every couple of weeks and have one, maybe two drinks and I don't drink at home in front of you knowing your past." I whisper calmly. She looks down knowing I'm right. "I'll see you in a hour." I walk out and go to the wyrm I walk into the bar. "Hey Sweets." He hands me a beer. "You only come here when something's wrong. What's up?" He ask wiping down the counter. "Cheryl and I just got into a fight about our kids education." I say frustrated. "You need to talk to her. Last time something like this happened you guys broke up." He says with a smirk. I groan, pay for my beer and leave. I get in my truck and drive home. Once I get there I walk in and go to the dinning room. "Cher." She turns around. "Hey." I sit in front of her. "We should talk." She nods. "This is not all your fault and I shouldn't have brought up your problem with alcohol. I just think it's to soon for her to be in school, she has attachment issues." I whisper looking her right in the eye. "Than why did you mention them?" She ask quietly. "I don't know. I'm sorry though." I take her hand. "You were right though." She whispers. "It was too early to put her in school." She wipes her tears. "Let's see how she does for the next couple of days though and if it gets worse we'll take her out. Ok?" She nods. "Ok, I'm gonna go pick up Jason from rehearsal." I stand up. "Wait but you've been drinking." She says quietly. "I barely had half of one beer. I sat down told Sweet Pea what was going on, he gave me a lecture and I came back." I say. She smiles. "Go pick him up I'll go check on Sarah." She whispers. I get into my truck and drive off. I get to theater and Jason runs out. "Hey bud." He gets buckled and throws his bag in front.

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