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It's been a few months since everything, we've been married for over a year and we adopted Sarah a year ago today. She's still coping with her past trauma, I think we're all starting to feel it now. Especially Cheryl, I don't know why. Probably because she's going through the thing with the twins. She always ask me about them because I go see them, Cheryl can't brings herself to see them. I don't blame her. Jason started school which is great. Sarah still can't go without having a meltdown. We still haven't figured out why, we have some ideas on what could be causing it. "Mom!" Jason yells from the top of the stairs. "I'll get him." I say getting up from the table. I go upstairs. "What's up?" I ask quietly. "Tie?" I nod and tie his tie. "Everything ok?" I ask sensing something is off. He nods. "You sure?" I ask, he shakes his head. "Do you want to talk about it?" He looks down and shakes his head again. "Not really. Maybe later." I nod and kiss his cheek. "Let's get some food into you." I pick him up and we walk downstairs.

"What's wrong bud?" I ask quietly as I sit on his bed. "Why do you spend more time with Sarah?" He ask quietly. I take a deep breath. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Well you give her more attention than you do with me and I want to be with you but you say you're busy with her and I have to be with mommy." He looks up at me. "Do you favorite her more than-." I cut him off. "No! It's just Sarah still needs help with everything." I whisper. "Like what?" He ask curiously. "Well when she was younger her parents weren't the nicest to her and she's had to deal with all of it and it causes her sometimes to feel like there's this weight on her chest and it causes her to break down and she needs someone to be with her when it does." I explain. He looks at me confused. "You know when stuff gets to much for you?" He nods. "It's kinda like that but much worse. It's constantly like that for her. When she was it was so bad that sometimes she hears a door slam and panics." I move hair out of his face. Everything starts to click in his head. "Oh, I still want to be with you more." He whispers. I smile. "How about I read you a few stories. Than tomorrow maybe we can go to Pops and do some of your favorite things?" He nods happily. I grab a few of his books and read to him till he falls asleep, which doesn't take long for some reason. I keep reading to him just in case he's not fully asleep. My eyes start to feel heavy.

"Toni we need to get the kids up." I look up at Cheryl. "Where- how did I get here?" I sit up very confused. "You fell asleep in Jason's room. You were snoring loudly so he went into my room and slept with me last night." She smiles. I look around more and realize I'm surrounded by Star Wars everything. "Oh umm. 5- 5 more minutes." I roll over. "Nope!" She pulls me out of bed. "Cheryl." She looks at me. "How are you doing?" I ask quietly. "Better but you still need to get up you're not 17 anymore!" I get up and go into our room to change. Once I'm done I go downstairs to see Jason and Sarah fighting over a pancake. "Guys! Stop I'll make you one more so it'll be even." I say laughing. "Dear god!" I whisper to myself as I make another pancake. "Cheryl!" I yell. "I'm in the bathroom! What's up?" She walks out. "Oh I was just wondering where you were." I smiles kissing her slowly. "I love you." I whisper. "Pancakes on fire babe." She says walking over to the table. "Shit!" I throw it in the sink and dump water on it. I didn't help so I threw a towel on it. "What does shit mean?" Jason ask innocently. "Don't say that sweetheart." Cheryl says quietly.

"How did you set a pancake on fire?" Cheryl ask quietly as I walk into her office and lock the door behind me. "I don't know." I smile slightly. "The kids are in asleep?" She ask taking of her glasses and looking up at me. "Yeah Veronica said that if anything happens she'll call me or at least one of us." I whisper. She gets up and walks over to me. "You know you didn't have to lock the door. Since we're kid free." She moves her finger up my leg and up to my penis. "Yeah I just do it out of habit." She rubs my slightly, giving me a boner. "Cher." She pulls me into a kiss. Everything we're wearing gets thrown off. She takes my hand and we go into the room. "I have a question." I say as she lies me down on the bed. "When did you actually make this?" I ask quietly. "Well it was Daddy's drug lab actually than when he died I fixed so we could have some fun." She grabs a condom and walks back over. "Are you ok?" I ask knowing she's avoiding something that's bothering her. "Talk to me Cher. We don't have to do this." She looks at me. "Come here." I whisper. She slides the condom on me. "There's no stopping you is there?" She shakes her head as she slowly slides herself on to me and moans. "Cher." I hold her hips and thrust.

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