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Will PoV
I stood with a paper shopping bag in my hands on the step of the Hades cabin. My boyfriend, Nico, was probably asleep, but I decided to risk going in and waking him up. The bag crinkled as I walked in, bringing a smile to my face. Nico was going to be so excited when he sees my surprise.

Nico PoV:
I was roughly shaken awake by none other than my very inconsiderate boyfriend Will. He knows that Hades children sleep like vampires, so why would he wake me up at 12 P freaking M?! I blinked awake and sat up. Or tried to, because when I set my hand down to support me, I missed the bed and went tumbling to the floor. Luckily it wasn't a top bunk, so I would probably only end up with a few bruises.

Will bent down to help me up, chuckling. He said, "Rise and shine death boy! I've got a surprise for you!" He looked so giddy that I decided to forgive him for waking me up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up to him, placing a kiss on my forehead. I dusted myself off and looked at him. He looked like he'd been up for a while, while I probably looked very sleep deprived. He gave me a smirk and said, "Go get ready, I'm not sure you want to walk around camp in your pjs." I blushed and went to go get ready.

•°•°•°•°•°•°•°My first time skip!•°•°•°•°•°•

I walked out of my cabin to see Will waiting for me. He held up a paper grocery bag and grinned. "Took you long enough!" Will said playfully and took my hand. He guided me to the big house and up the steps. He opened the door and stepped back, waving his hands and said, "After you, death boy!"

I giggled as I walked in and Will closed the door. He took my hand again and led me to the kitchen. Why the big house still has a kitchen is beyond me, but I guess it's coming in handy now. Will lead me to the marble topped island in the center of the room and set the bag down, then grabbed two very sharp cooking knives. He tossed one to me, which was probably dangerous, but I was trained well and caught it with ease. I pulled myself up to sit on the counter and said, "Well, Solace, what's your suprise?"

He grinned and pulled out a pineapple. "I thought we could bond over struggling to cut this." He laid the pineapple on it's side and cut off the leafy top. I hopped down and took the decapitated top and used my knife to get out as much of the fruit as I could. When the sweet pineapple hit my tougne, I almost spit it out. I never knew fresh pineapple was so sweet.

When I had gotten what I could, I went over to Will. He was so focused on slicing it he didn't notice me. So I of course had to take advantage of that. I snuck up behind him and yelled, "BOO!"

He dropped the knife and spun around. He nearly shrieked, "Hey! What was that for!" And started chasing me around the island. I was fast, but I wasn't paying enough attention to notice when he stopped running and I slammed into him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him, my back on his chest. Will placed his head on my shoulder and said, "For that it's your turn to cut the pinapple!"

I pushed him away and grabbed my knife to started cutting, trying to glare but we both ended up in fits of giggles. When I finally finished cutting up the pineapple, I grabbed a piece and ate it. The sweetness didn't shock me this time, so it was pleasant. Will also tried to grab a piece, but I stopped him, smirking. I realised that we didn't use a cutting board, or at least a plate. I pointed out to Will, "We didn't use a cutting board! Chiron will be mad!" He just shrugged and got a plate out form the cabinet and we got to work putting the pineapple pieces on the plate.

When we finished, I picked up a piece with the intent to eat it, but got an idea. I said, "Open wide!" And fed it to him. He looked confused for a second, but swallowed it and grinned. He then grabbed a piece of his own and put it in my mouth. Being the mean person I am, I bit his finger on purpose.

We started feeding each other pieces until they were all gone. Will looked at me and grinned. "I take it that was a good idea?" I just laughed and leaned into him. We missed for a bit, then he broke apart and he ruffled my hair. "I have to go to the infirmary today so I can't watch you, but still no underworld-y stuff, you hear me? None! Doctors orders!" He left but I stayed, smiling.

I moved the plate over and saw the knife marks left over. I traced a particularly large one, and smiled to myself. These marks would be here for a while, a good reminder of the happiness Will and I shared. I had a horrible past, but with him I can be safe and loved. He even makes me, a dark, scary person giggle. A horn blows, signaling a camp meeting, so I leave, still smiling at the new memory.

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