#1 AU

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Tw: cheesy pickup line
Nico PoV:

I sat up groggily to see the sun poking through the windows of my studio apartment. I got five hours of sleep last night, so a good night for me. I shut off my alarm and got up. I went over to my kitchenette and started up the coffee machine. I can't function with out coffee; I'd marry it if I could.

Once my coffee was ready, I walked over to my- well, I'm not sure you could call it a desk anymore, but I guess it was. It's basically a mess of papers on a sheet of plastic held up by drawers, but it was better than nothing. I didn't even use the paper anymore ever since I got a laptop.

I opened it up to my latest story. I'm an aspiring writer, so I started typing away. I'm writing a story about a girl who always felt out of place even though to everyone else she seemed normal. I guess it could relate to me, but in the story I'm giving the girl an amazing girlfriend while I have no significant other.

The words poured out of me, and I watched as they appeared on the page. I could lose myself as I wrote, and I could sometimes knock over a few papers without noticing. I had only finished a couple paragraphs today when I felt a scalding liquid hit my thigh. I looked up from the screen to see that I knocked off my coffee cup and it was spilling all over.

I hastily picked up my laptop and salvaged any papers I could. I ran to get towels and came back to start cleaning. Thankfully I don't have carpet, so it was much easier to mop up. No coffee got on my chair thankfully, but it got on me instead.

Once I cleaned everything up, I raced to the coffee machine to get another cup. When I opened the container of coffee grounds, I noticed that it was empty. Great. I would have to go to an over-priced coffee shop now. Three cheers for sugar I guess.

°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°time skip!•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°

Once I made myself look presentable, I left my apartment with my laptop and walked to the nearest coffee shop. A perk of New York City is how close you are to everything the minute you step out of your apartment. This particular place I found was new. The building was originally a pottery studio that closed when the owner was killed on a hiking trip by some wolves.

I'm glad to see that all the paint and clay speckles on the walls were removed as I walk in. It's now a quiet little place with delicate looking chairs with matching tables. The dark wood of the furniture matched the walls, which I guess was on purpose.

I walked up to the counter to order. The cashier was a pretty lady, but that didn't bother me. She flipped her long brown hair and leaned against the cash register. Her top dipped very low, and when she spoke I could tell she was feeling flirtatious.

"What would you like to order, sweetie?" She, if possible, leaned closer to me so I could see down everything under her shirt if I chose. But I don't swing that way.

"One medium vanilla latte please." I said with as much boredom as possible.

She looked offended, but leaned back and typed up my order anyway. "Name please?" She asked.



I bit back a much angrier reply and said, "I don't think that's how coffee places work. Don't they just call your name when the order's finished?" She looked like a deer in headlights; very shocked and very stupid. Her face flushed read as she called, "next?"

I sat down at a table meant for two and opened my laptop. The WiFi here was free, so I connected with ease. I started typing until I heard my name being called out. I walked up to get my latte and went back to the table.

The latte was good, but not the best I'd ever had. I took small sips as I wrote, trying to not look like a madman as I typed. I didn't even notice when somebody sat down across from me. When I paused writing to take a sip, I almost fainted.

The guy across from me looked like a Greek god! He had sky blue eyes to be lost in and this amazing mop of blond curls that I could run my fingers through... crap! I'm staring. I felt my face heat up so I turned back to my writing. But for once, I couldn't concentrate. I glanced back up and met his eyes.

He smiled and said, "Sorry, there weren't any empty seats. My name's Will, what about you?"

I stuttered out a, "h-heyimnicoandimawriter"

He chuckled and said, "Slow down! What's your name?"

I took a deep breath and said, "Nico."

"Lovely name, but and I'm sure your number is nice too, can I have it?" He replied.


I scribbled down my number on his arm and said, "Are you free later?"

He grinned and said, "How about now?"

I stood and picked up my laptop, and we walked out together, chatting. I think this is the start of a beautiful relationship.

When we pushed open the heavy wood door, we were immediately grabbed and pulled into an alley. I felt the cold metal of a gun on my head, and suddenly the world went black.

What an ending!

APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!! yeah I'm evil, but I need to get revenge on my friend, nannas34 for being constantly threatened with making a fic where Will cheats on Nico with Hazel and Percy... We're crazy :)

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