#2 (AU)

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Some swearing in this one
Will Pov:

The warm glow of the sun streamed into my room, giving me a lovely scene to wake up to. The light seemed to highlight everything perfectly. The sunbeams lined the cat picture on my calender, seeming to give it life. My eyes trailed down to the events and... SHIT! Austin's birthday party is today and I was supposed to pick up the cake! My clock mocks me by letting me know that I am exactly an hour and fourty-one minutes after my scheduled pickup time. Mom will be pissed.

I grabbed jeans and a flannel and ran to get changed. Once I decided I looked decent, I ran downstairs. Mom looked surprised to see that I was still here. She gave me a look over and noticed my haphazardly thrown together outfit.

"Just woke up, huh?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna get the cake now see ya," I replied.

I didn't hear if she replied because I ran to the garage and started the old family car. It sputtered to life, and I backed out. I knew the way to the bakery by heart. The family that owns it, the Jacksons, has been good friends of ours for a while. Their son, Percy is in a few of my high school classes. Since it's a Saturday I would see him at the bakery. He was cute, but straight and had a girlfriend.

The highway was thankfully not too busy, so I went a little faster than I should have, but what's the harm? I got off on the exit and found the bakery. I hopped out of the car and ran inside. The fresh, sugary smell that I knew well greeted me as I walked in. Pastries and other baked goods lined the shelves behind the glass from under the counter. I waved to Percy and walked up to the counter.

"Forgot about the cake?"

"Yeah," I replied. "It's not too late, is it?"

Percy chuckled. "Of course not. Let me get the new employee to ring it up."

A boy about my age with dark hair walked up. He raised his head and looked up at me and.... dam. He had wide dark brown eyes and full lips. He seemed so mysterious, but when he spoke I could sense some humor.

"So you're Will, huh? I'm Nico. Percy's t-told me a lot about you. 'Said you're as straight as a circle and that I should ch-chase you down."

I could feel a blush spreading up my cheeks. A lot of people knew about my sexuality, but I didn't actually know anyone else who was gay except for my friend Reyna. But the way he stated that Percy told him to "chase me down" made me think that he was gay and single. So I decided to be a little flirty.

"Yep, that's me. I guess you're gay too? Got anyone?"

He ducked his head down, but I heard a muffled, "no." He pushed some buttons on the register and looked up.

"The cake is $20, but Percy is discounting it to $18 b-because he can."

I laughed a bit at that. "And it's not because he wants me to like you?"

Nico Pov:

I don't know that when Percy said Will would be cute, he meant hot. When he walked in and Percy greeted him, I immediately ran to the back room and hid. But now I have to talk to him and find some way to get his number, because I'm not letting him leave until I get it.

And if you guessed that Percy did NOT give me permission to discount, you are absolutely correct.

I bit my lip at his last statement, but continued on with the charade. "Yeah, he wants me to get a b-boyfriend that reminds him of Annabeth."

He grinned, and I nearly melted. "Can I get your number then?"

Forget not melting. I was a bright pink puddle on the floor.

"Y-yeah sure." I grabbed a sharpie from under the counter and wrote on his arm. 

I ran to the kitchen to see Percy smirking and a box in his hands. A year ago I would have fainted to see him smirk at me, but I got over him. He's happy with his girlfriend, so that makes me happy. I saw that the box he held was labeled with "Solace," so I assumed it was the cake.

He handed the box over and whispered in my ear, "Go get 'em." My face erupted in flames and Percy looked like he was trying to hold back a laugh. I shook my head and went back out.

Will watched me walk up to the counter and set the box down. He laid a twenty on the counter and said, "I'll also get a vanilla cupcake to go with it." I pulled out a cupcake from under the counter, but he was already walking away. Will stopped to pull open the door, and turned around. The wind that blew in ruffled his blonde locks, giving him an even more attractive look. I was tempted to watch him walk all the way out, but I don't need Percy getting onto my case again.

I took another look at the cupcake. Maybe he bought it for me? I shrugged to myself and took a bite.

Will Pov:

I hopped in my car and set the cake down on the seat next to me. I put the keys in and turned the car on, but I didn't move. All I could think about was Nico. I hope he knew I bought the cupcake for him. I didn't want to drive away, but Austin's birthday was probably in a couple hours. The clock on my radio read 3, and the party wasn't until... was it 4:30? Wait, SHITSHITSHITSHIT IT'S AT 3:30! I rushed to back out and got on the road.

•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°time skip to 3:30•°•°•°•°•°•

I pulled into the driveway just in time to see my mom welcome in another one of my brother's friends. My mother waved me in behind him. Everything was already set up without my help. I walked into the kitchen and set the cake down, but I did it all without thinking. All that was in my head was Nico. I looked down at my arm and smiled. Then I ran upstairs.

Nico PoV:

My shift ended at 3:30, so I went to the back room and crashed. When you walk into this room, the first thing you see is this old, ugly brown couch that happens to be really cozy. I just lay there, thinking. Thinking about Will. A little long told me someone had texted. Probably Sally Jackson since I basically live with them.

Unknown number: hey it's Will!

I quickly changed his name to 'Will' on my phone.

Me: hi! It's Nico

Will: good. Are you busy today?

I let the corners of my mouth move up into a grin. I typed a reply. This was going to be fun.

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