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A classic: this takes place during the oh-so-famous three days in the infirmary.

Nico PoV:

Will Solace, A.K.A Doctor's Orders Solace was forcing me to stay in the infirmary. He made me promise three days, and it was only the beginning of the second. I was pissed off, beat up and bored, yet I was stuck in a hospital bed when I should have been practicing sword fighting or just staring at my cabin wall. Boredom is the absolute worst!

After me trying to break out twice, Will had strapped my torso to the bed, limiting my options even further. I couldn't tell who was more annoying between Will and boredom. Both are so similar.

As if right on cue, Will walked into my room. "Sleep well?"

I snorted. "No. I'm a fricken demigod who went through Tartarus, I can't sleep, idiot."

Instead of laughing like I had thought, he frowned and looked kind of sad. I shifted awkwardly as he started performing a check-up. Once he deemed me okay, he handed me a small cardboard box.

"We found this box on the infirmary steps with your name on it. No one has any clue where it came from though."

Will moved over to the wall and leaned against it as I ripped open the cardboard. It came of easily, which left me to the stygian box inside. The box had a skull clasp on the front, making it extremely obvious who got me the gift; not to mention the material of the rest of the box. I never thought my father would get me a present, but I'm not one to turn it down.

I placed my hand on the skull clasp and it began to glow. When it lit up I could see that it's eyes were actually rubies, and it had emeralds in its nose. Nice touch, dad. The box quickly popped open, and when I removed the layer of black foam, I noticed a device that looked like a small phone. The only time I had seen a phone was when a new camper snuck it in, but I tried to commit the image to memory.

Will moved to hover over my shoulder. I pulled the small object of of the case, wincing as it popped out of the molded casing. I weighed the object on my palm and stared at it. The tiny phone was pitch black like the box it came it, and a wire trailed from it. I had no clue what it was for, so I looked at Will.

Will must have noticed my confusion, so he picked it out of my hand and held it up for me to see. "This is an Ipod."

"What's an Ipod?"

"It's a device that stores music so you can listen to it with these," he picked up the dangling wire. "Earbuds. You stick them in your ears so nobody can hear your music."

The earbuds- which I now noticed split at the ends to allow one going on each ear- looked like they would fall out.

"How do the earbuds stay in your ears?"

Will shrugged. "I dunno. I would say magic but that's not what magic really is."

He picked up each earbud and slipped them into my ears. They felt kinda plasticy, but quite nice. No sound penetrated them, I noticed when I looked at Will. I think he was talking, but all I could see were his lips moving. His lips were fascinating to watch, though I would never admit that.

I took the earbuds out of my ears. "So an IPod is for music, right? How do I use this thing for music?"

Personally, I was excited to listen to some of my favorite swing music. But when Will grabbed the IPod and messed with it, based on his gleeful expression he wasn't going to play some swing.

"Put your earbuds in and listen to some of my favorites!"

I put them back in. Will pressed a button, and a modern beat filled my ears. It was fun and new. I could fell my body moving to the lyrics.

You got two black eyes from loving too hard
And a black car that matches your blackest soul 
I wouldn't change ya, oh
Wouldn't ever try to make you leave, no
Oh, the neon coast was your sign
And the Midwest wind with Pisces rising
I wouldn't change ya, oh
Wouldn't ever try to make you leave, no
Static palms melt your vibe
Midnight whisperings

It was so fun!

The black magic of Mulholland Drive
Swimming pools under desert skies
Drinking white wine in the blushing light
Just another LA Devotee
Sunsets on the evil eye
Invisible to the Hollywood shrine
Always on the hunt for a little more time
Just another LA Devotee
Just another, just another, uh oh
Just another, just another, uh oh
Just another, just another, uh oh
Just another LA Devotee

Once I figured out the lyrics, I was definitely yelling them out. I knew I was hooked. When the song finished, I asked him what it was.

"It's La Devotee. Apparently whoever got you this gift got every song imaginable, so I can recommend whatever I want. Check out all of the albums I'm starring."

Crap. I don't even know how the IPod works, how am I supposed to find the 'starred' albums? "Hey, um, Will, I don't even know how to use the device."

He slapped his hand on his forehead, earning a nice smack sound. "Oh, duh! Yeah, I'll show you."

He leaned over to show me the tiny screen. We were so close. My breath got a little short, my heart pounding. I didn't know why! The only time this had happened was when I was by Percy... but I- wait. Do I like Will? Shit.

We were so close I could have put my head on his shoulder, but I resisted. I was only half-listening as he listed out each button. He finished talking, a little breathy. His face was a bit flustered, which I found odd. I could even feel my own ears turning warm, which was a little nerve wracking. But when he turned to me and pressed his lips against mine, I let out my tension into the kiss. Maybe music has some bonding magic.


Of course I had it end in a kiss! I'm so cheesy you can taste it, but whatever. I hope you enjoyed some lovely fluff.

The song is, of course, La Devotee by Panic! At the Disco. I'm addicted to it, therefore I had to write with it!

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