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"An update on THIS book of oneshots? Wasn't this abandoned years ago? Aren't you like a senior in fucking high school now why is your solangelo fanfic book being updated???"

The answer is yes.

Basically I've had this draft saved for a few years and never finished nor deleted it. I have kept it in mind though as something that could be amusing to finish at some point. And whelp, I wanted to do something creative today, so I decided to finish it. It's not well written, but it's certainly written and I had some fun. I didn't change basically any of what i had written years ago so most of this is ✨️vintage✨️ but it's pretty obvious where I came in because the songs are newer with one exception: when I originally wrote this I had no idea what song to give to Percy so originally it was freaking Oceans by Evanescence so uh yeah I changed that. I haven't proofread it because fuck it we ball anyways enjoy!

Finally, Chiron approved us.

It was probably that we dragged the entire rest of the camp into the discussion, but I wasn't complaining. After all, we got our show.

Annabeth was finalizing stage design; Leo was working on special effects; Percy, Frank, and Jason were setting up decorations; and, well, Nico, Piper and the Stoll brothers were "shopping."

I , Will Solace, am managing this whole fiasco.

"Hey, Will, do these stairs allow for good movement while still being safe?" Annabeth walked over, holding some blueprints.

"Yeah, they'll be great. Maybe a little more width per step considering what shoes Nico's wearing."

"Gotcha." She scribbled down a little note and called some help to put together the full stairs.

Our decorators were, surprisingly, pretty focused. Since the show is in bunker nine they had most of the light structures set up already, we just had to switch out the bulb for Leo's custom color-changing ones, aka "Hot stuff Leo's bomb-ass lights for the show."

My boyfriend walked into the bunker. "We're back, obviously. I finally found the right concealer and foundation for you, plus a better wig cap for you and band-aids for your toes, darling." He already spoke in a somewhat feminine voice and the performance wasn't even until tonight! I was so not ready.


We skipped lunch and didn't even realize it. The Hephaestus and Athena cabins were almost done with making the stage by now, and all the hanging decorations were up. The bunker itself had already been cleaned out by us when we first got out idea. Tables and chairs were leaning against the outside of the bunker, and some of the younger campers were setting them up inside (with some help of course.)

I grabbed one of the foldable tables and brought it inside. Without scratching the new flooring, I gently set it down and unfolded the legs.

Annabeth noticed, and walked over. She seemed happy with the efficiency of the stage's creation. "Everything's moving along well! With the way everything's going the show will happen tonight! Get the rest of your cabin, and you go get ready!"

I smiled back uneasily. "I'm still nervous, Nico's, like, an expert at this and I've never done it before. I mean, sure, Percy, Frank, and Leo are doing it too but it's still terrifying."

She laughed. "Will, you've slain monsters, saved people who have been wounded beyond recognition, been at camp for two wars, and you're scared of embarrassing yourself in front of camp?"

"...yes. But I'll be in heels!"

"Too bad. So will I."

"But Nico's gonna give me, like, his craziest pair! And I don't even know what I'm wearing!"

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