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Another song oneshot!

This is based on "Far too Young to Die" by Panic! At the Disco. Lyrics in italics!

PoV changes each paragraph, starts with Will.

I've never so adored you
I'm twisting allegories now
I want to complicate you
Don't let me do this to myself

Another war at Camp Half-blood had struck. It was minor compared to our other battles, but that didn't mean much. The fields were swarming with underworld creatures out of Hades's control. But now, I had way more to lose. Sure, I had always cared about my siblings, but losing Nico would truly break me. I couldn't let that happen, yet I am a healer and he is a fighter.

I'm chasing roller coasters
I've got to have you closer now
Endless romantic stories
You never could control me

In the heat of the battle, all I can think about is Will. He saved my life on numerous occasions, both mentally and physically. I had always pushed him away, but he came back like a lovesick puppy. It was honestly funny to see him attempt to keep me still. Now, all I wanted was to curl up next to him and cry. Some villain thought it was a great idea to attack Camp with the armies of hell that we had defeated with less demigods a couple years ago, so it wasn't going too bad. But just the fact that someone was able to get them past the camp border made this a little scarier. My Stygian sword glinted darkly as I slashed it through blurry monsters. All could make out was color, and with the attention I was paying for that I might as well be blind. Will would kill me if he knew how hard I was working.

Well I never really thought that you'd come tonight
When the crown hangs heavy on either side
Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die.
Far too young to die
Far too young to die

A lull in the war gave me the opportunity to move closer to the main battle area. More life-threatening injuries were frequent here, and I was definitely overworking my powers like a hypocrite. A couple hymns per injured camper drains your energy faster than caring for Nico in the infirmary. Speaking of which, I should find him. I stood up from a Hecate girl who had nearly lost a couple of fingers and searched for Nico. The once pretty grass was stained with blood, both monster and camper. It was squishy as I made my way across the field. I spotted a messy head of black hair and ran over. The son of Hades noticed me and started running too. We met in the middle, wrapping eachother in a kiss.

Fixation or psychosis?
Devoted to neurosis now
Endless romantic stories
You never could control me

Will pulled away first, and inspected me for injuries. His hands grazed down my chest unconsciously as he searched for some reason to keep me out of battle. At last, he looked up again.

"You have a minor concussion, and I suppose I can't keep you from fighting. Just be careful I guess."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just going to fight now, there seems to be a new wave of monsters."

Well I never really thought that you'd come tonight
When the crown hangs heavy on either side
Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die.

Nico almost turned away, but I grabbed his shoulder. He pivoted to face me again, and I gave him another peck. His sword was pulled out again as he went to attack the newly spawned monsters. I turned away, searching for injured campers to save.

Well I never really thought that you'd come tonight
When the crown hangs heavy on either side
Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die.
Far too young to die
Far too young to die

I had that sort of battle fog again, where I couldn't see much. My sword was still just a blur as it whizzed around, striking down opponents. I felt a gash open on my back, but with the numb state I'm in I ignored it. I hope Will is okay, running around helping campers. Soon, all the monsters were dead at my feet. The adrenaline rush died, and the wound on my back hit me in full force. I collapsed, hitting the blood-stained ground.

Well I never really thought that you'd come tonight
When the crown hangs heavy on either side
Give me one last kiss while we're far too young to die.

I heard Percy yell for me as all the monsters around us died. It seemed we had defeated them, thankfully. I ran over to Percy, grinning.

"We did it, Perce!"

He shook his head, looking downcast. Without a word, he waved me to a small form on the ground. It looked like Nico, but it couldn't be. He was too good a fighter. I saw the long cut down his body, slicing through a black t-shirt that reminded me of Nico's. I didn't want to believe it, but it was Nico. I quickly poured nectar on the wound, watching it slowly mend itself. Nico sat up, taking in the sight.

Far too young to die

At that moment, a hellhound that had remained alive attacked us. It's claws raked through Nico, and I felt a burst of pain until everything went black.

The funerals for all the dead campers in the war were held the next day. When Chiron got to the the shrines for Will and Nico, he gave a small speech of his own.

"Two demigods who had saved many lives before now lay here. But the ones that they truly saved were eachother. They were the light and dark, the sun and moon. For them, we burn this too." He pulled out a black and yellow flag and set it aflame.


solangelo_overload this is for you!

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