#8 (AU)

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Alien PoV:

Finally we abducted the humans. My assignment was to find two human "males" as they are called, and luckily these two were wrapped together in a state we've heard is called sleep. One was pale, with long dark fur on it's top and deep chocolate orbs in it's face that I think are called eyes. The other had hair that looked like beauitified spaghetti and blue eyes. They called each other by the code names "Will" and "Nico." I wonder what that's about.

The human subjects would be given a room on our ship with typical human accommodations. We sent out our best members to find these humans. The place we found them in was quite interesting. A dark, I think it's called wood, bed took up one side of their small room. A piece of fluffy material was spread out on the floor, and it was very pleasing to walk on. A poster of some human codenamed "Beebo" was on a wall that we took from the human's room to study. A small table was next to the bed and had a light-maker on it. A little chain dangled from the inside of this light-maker, and it was fun to use one of my three arms to mess with it.

I had the humans held together using these fluffy chain-things things I found on their table. They might be handcuffs, but they looked nothing like what I had seen on the human television shows. Pink fur lined the faux metal, and I doubted they were secure. They looked fun though. The abducted humans walked along our ship's hallways, taking in every detail they could. Nothing was interesting or out of the ordinary though. We had a few squids in tanks and a mound of uranium in a corner, so nothing crazy.

"What is this place?" The human with the pretty spaghetti hair said.

"I wish I knew. The government would kill for it." The pale human said.

These humans had such pretty voices compared to our dry ones. "It's ship hashtag twenty-one. A low class flight machine. Only used for human-taking missions."

"What?!" They both responded.

"Yes. Anyways, please let me show you to your room."

I opened the human door so they could go in. Their eyes absorbed the room. I had set out two typical laying pads since my kind don't have the weakness of needing "sleep." We do, however, like to lay down and contemplate the meaning of life, so we understand how uncomfortable the bare floor is. My friends had finished running scientific tests on the poster so we hung it up on the wall above the sleeping pads.

Their tiny human eyes were fun to watch as they darted around the room.

"Hey, umm, Alien thing?" Nico asked.


"What are you doing to do to us?"

My, my. The poor kid looked scared- which shouldn't be possible since I injected them with a 100 percent perfect anti-anxiety drug.

"Well, my team and I will be running some tests on you. We'll extract blood, tissue, and maybe even bones-" Nico yelped, "- and run some scans on them. You'll also receive injections of assorted elements to see the human body's reaction. Don't worry, your eventual death will be slow and drawn out."

For some odd reason I couldn't begin to process, that scared them even more.

"So," I began. "You have approximately five human minutes until we are sending you to bed. Currently, you're our only live test subjects, so you get this room to yourselves. No funny business I heard about on TV."

Spaghetti hair muttered something like, "We don't even have lube," whatever that means. I checked my internal clock, to find that they only had four minutes now. I stepped out of the room. My old pal 241045 was waiting for me.

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