#9 (AU)

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Another song oneshot :)

This song is basically meant for ships- like, come on. Especially Solangelo.

When the Day Met the Night, by Panic! At the Disco.

When the moon fell in love with the sun
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night

Clear skies, shiny lakes, and summer break. Nico was having the time of his life. Every summer, his parents would send him off to his fabulous aunt and her beach house. It was the one time of year he was away from his careless parents, bullies, and basically his entire life. His aunt was so loving, he thought, with a mug of her green tea. She let him have freedoms his parents never would have imagined, such as a hammock in a well-kept community garden.

When the sun found the moon
She was drinking tea in a garden
Under the green umbrella trees
In the middle of summer

Will was frustrated. His parents had to ship him out to his cousin's place. He had summer plans, for crying out loud! He was going to play video games with friends, get hammered at parties, and maybe finally, kiss a fucking girl. But nope! He was sent to an overcrowded house with his adult cousin, his wife and their five horrible devil kids. He'd only been there for a few hours when they'd already gone through his suitcase; that's why he was walking down the the community garden. Taking out his rage by stomping on growing vegetables sounded fantastic. Some scrawny kid was sitting on a worn-down hammock with a chipped mug of some unidentifiable liquid.

When the moon found the sun
He looked like he was barely hanging on
But her eyes saved his life
In the middle of summer (summer)

Nico looked up to see another boy, about his age, but in better shape. He was scowling, though, which wasn't a good look on him. Or maybe it was. Nico didn't know. But what he does know is that he's very, very gay and this boy in front of him is very, very hot.

"Hey." Nico jumped to his feet. Well, sort of, because you can't really jump out of a hammock gracefully. Actually, he fell off, rolled in the dirt, and then got to his feet. Thankfully, he had set his mug of tea down where it remained unhurt. "I'm Nico."

In the middle of summer
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night
Summer (summer)

Will did not want any human interaction since the incident this morning- but watching someone fall off a hammock and roll on the ground did lighten up his mood a bit. But it wasn't just some scrawny kid anymore- this boy looked perfect. His eyes were a deep, chocolatey brown, and he had the face of an angel.

"I'm Nico."

"Nico," he whispered, trying the name on his lips. "I'm Will, nice to meet you."

All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night
Summer, summer, summer, summer
All was golden when the day met the night

Will. What a pretty name. "So, uh, what brings you here, Will?" He said, hoping it wouldn't be the last time he said that name.

"Oh, that." The boy brushed his hand through the air. "My parents dropped me here and left. This summer is going to be a nightmare."

"Cool." Nico muttered, disappointed.

So he said, "Would it be all right
If we just sat and talked for a little while
If in exchange for your time
I give you this smile?"

Will was hooked. Sadly, he wasn't someone Will could fall for and convince his friends he's totally 100% straight and not a flaming pansexual.

"Well," he said, patting the abandoned hammock and jumping on. "Looks like you're somewhat interesting." Nico hesitantly got back in the hammock as well, almost purposely making the space between them wide.

"I- well, maybe. I don't think I'm that interesting."

He gave the boy the most welcoming, toothy smile he could. "You're more interesting than me. What's in that mug?"

So she said, "That's OK
As long as you can make a promise
Not to break my little heart
Or leave me all alone in the summer."


Nico knew he stuttered, sounding like a fool. He blushed, letting his long black locks fall in front of his face, and irritate his eyes. Quickly, as to not let his eyes water, he brushed it away and attempted to look confident.

"Green tea."

The way Will nodded his head, a small, breathy laugh falling from his lips had Nico staring, even as he spoke. "It's from my aunt. I come to her house every summer since my parents couldn't be bothered to take care of me. How about you?"

Well he was just hanging around
Then he fell in love
And he didn't know how
But he couldn't get out

Will was glad he could get Nico to open up.

"This is my first time here, actually."

Nico raised an eyebrow (which was totally hot). "We don't usually get newbies. Divorced parents or lottery jackpot? Which one brought you here?"

He shook his head. "Nope. My cousin sent a couple of her children away for the summer and had space for me, which my parents took advantage of." He listened to his raw rage sharpen his tone, and took a breath. "Anyways, since I have, well, a social life, I unintentionally scared my parents into thinking I'll get every girl pregnant that I meet. So they shoved some of my shit into a suitcase and dropped me off here without even two day's worth of preparation. My cousin wants to have a-" He put his fingers up in air quotations. "-good Christian family, so they have seven children." He put his hands down, setting them close to Nico's own. "They're all devils. I hate them. I'm pretty sure they teamed up to see who could put most of my clothes on the floor."

Just hanging around
Then he fell in love

Nico was very glad he could multitask. Staring into Will's eyes and being able to process his words was quite helpful. The way his lips moved, and his jaw worked while he was speaking passionately made Nico wonder about what else he wanted those beautiful lips to do.

"So yeah. That's how I got here. Doesn't seem too bad with you though."

The atmosphere shifted slightly as Will bit his lip and ran his hand through his messy blonde curls. Nico ducked his head, letting out a tiny squeak of indignance. A light wind moved through, making him shiver.

"It's getting dark. Are you cold?"

A strong, warm arm placed itself around Nico's frail body before he could answer, and he felt a presence against his thigh.

In the middle of summer
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night
Summer (summer)

Will held him there, even as the sky changed into a wild splattering of oranges, yellows, pinks, blues and purples. The sun itself became a softer, less aggressively bright gold. The air around them chilled due to dusk coming by. The small boy in his arm was warm, and he pulled him closer.

Neither of them knew what would happen, if they would even see each other again, but at least for now, they had each other.

All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night
Summer, summer, summer, summer
All was golden when the day met the night

Summer, summer, summer, summer
In the middle of summer, summer, summer, summer
The middle of summer, summer, summer, summer
The middle of summer, summer, summer, summer
In the middle of

So I just finished up this oneshot day of the MCR reunion because I am full of adrenaline :D

Some of this has literally been written since summer I'm just a lazy bitch.

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