#3 (AU)

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Waaaayyyyy more swearing bc I was in homeroom when I started (which for us is at the end of the day) so I just had school for hours and I hate gym. So I'm bashing it. The oneshot is kinda based on my experience, minus the fluff bc I'm not in the same gym hour as my girlfriend :(((( This was also requested by a friend. Enjoy :)

Nico PoV:

Do you know what it's like having both of your legs feel numb and like jelly? It's a feeling I wish upon no one. But it happens when your FUCKING GYM TEACHER MAKES YOU RUN A FUCKING MILE IN WINTER! I HATE GYM!

The long, circular black track weaved itself into a seemingly endless cycle of running. I wish I could amputate my legs to avoid gym sometimes. SOME PEOPLE CAN'T FUCKING RUN A GODDAMN MILE! But nooooo, we had to! On our track, four laps is a mile. Four daunting laps and i've barely started, plus my tiny legs already hurt. I hate this.

Suddenly, a shoulder hits me, hard. I nearly trip, but I regain my footing. I turn around to see a smirking Will Solace, my boyfriend.

He's not mean, but he still pisses me off; his athletic ability is through the roof. I'm small and scrawny while Will is, well, hot. I'm not ashamed to admit that. He's already way ahead of me and I don't care. I huff and start jogging.

The mile we're running is for our "fitness grade." We have to complete it in under ten minutes. If we don't, then we redo it. Hell twice, essentially.

I finish the first lap and start the second. Will is half of the track ahead of me, probably lapping me actually, but I don't care. He runs with ease. At least I can watch his his body move and imagi- whoops. Don't think about that Nico! I shake my head and push on through the damn mile.

°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°time skip!•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°

I have never been more proud of myself. I completed the mile run in nine minutes and fifty-five seconds! I would have collapsed on the grass, but no, the teacher would get really pissed and make me stay after class.

We left the track and ran (we were again, forced to run) back to the school building to go to the locker rooms.

(So, y'all, this is where I don't know what I'm doing. I'm a cisgender female and don't talk to guys about the locker rooms. So I'm guessing. Laugh if you choose, no one's gonna die)

When the door first opened, I was greeted by the overwhelming smell of Axe. Fuck, I hate that shit. When everyone rushed in, at least the Axe wasn't as prominent when you combine it with sweaty teen boys who just had gym. I pulled my shirt over my nose to filter out the smell. I swear I saw Will staring, but I ignored it. After all, it's not like he didn't see it a couple of nights ago. I went over to my locker and started changing.

Will's locker was nowhere near mine, so I didn't take forever changing. I wish the person next to me wasn't Octavian though. He either smells like major BO or a shit ton of Axe. Not to mention he literally yells at people for nothing. I decide it's best to hurry, so I'm getting ready fast as lightning.

I walked out of the locker room and met Will by the doorway. How he managed to look amazing right after gym still shocks me. And he doesn't use Axe! His t-shirt fit his arms a little snugly, but of course I enjoyed that. He noticed my staring and gave me a playful smile. The shrill tone of the bell rang just then, and we walked out, holding hands.

I was really happy, until I remembered I have algebra next. FUCK!

So yeah, this oneshot was literally me just bitching about gym and swearing a lot bc I hate it. I want to keep cussing to a minimum usually, but I gave up for this one. But I HATE PE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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