She's really crazy!

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''Mr. Xanders, with all due respect, my eyes are here..." Ashley Wood pointed at her eyes in annoyance and irritation at the filthy old man who'd been interviewing her for the past thirty minutes without taking his lecherous eyes off of her chest! Why did men always act like they'd never seen boobs?! And it wasn't like she'd done anything particular with them today...just a nice push up bra that complemented them- a girl had to look good,and feel good-so sue her!

And she wasn't about to complain to God for looking was costing her though- if you took the current male looking at her like a kid looked at candy for an example! Ohh here we go again, Ashley thought in exasperation...

''Do you realise young lady that you're being interviewed for a potential job?! How dare you speak to me that way?! Do you want this job or not?!" the man flustered angrily as he guiltily turned pink at having got caught...and he looked short of a heart attack!

''Let's see...I did...about forty minutes ago...before I knew who'd interview me! I'm not even sure what it is you've been interviewing, me or my chest?! Men like you make me sick-I could totally feed you to a pack of wild dogs- to eat you alive- you know they don't kill their prey before eating it?..." Ashley said as she gathered her bag and coat furiously and marched to the door of the large office.

'' Where do you think you're going you impertinent girl?! How dare you speak to me like that?! Do you realise I could ruin you-", the man had stood up and moved around his desk to confront Ashley.

'' No you can't- I could ruin you! Ever heard of sexual harassment old man?! Well, lets just say it would be worse than the wild dogs...I'm outta here- see you never!" she stormed out and slammed the door hard...maybe it would impair the pig's ears!

Yes, she'd blown another chance at a really good job but sexual harassment wasn't in her plans of a bright future! She'd have to look somewhere else...unfortunately this had been her last choice...after the last four jobs she'd lost! And the CEO enemies she'd made of course! What was she going to do...her account balance was,to say the least, embarrassing! She needed a where she was respected of course..

She had reached the ground floor and main reception area and proceeded to walk out of the building and onto the street...where were all the cabs anyway?!, but then why not walk?! The streets of new York were noisy and busy as usual, people trying to rush to God knew where, a lapse of attention in this crowd could have dire consequences- she wasn't taking any chances, Ashley put her bag closer to her chest and moved determinedly ahead when she felt a rumble...what was that sound?...There it was again...oh dear, this was so embarrassing!! It was her stomach- she hadn't had breakfast because of the interview! To the café then, a little coffee would tide her over until lunch... she really had limited money...

Ashley walked briskly to the first café she saw and pushed the door open, walked to the counter and ordered a coffee, black, no sugar...and walked to the first table she saw near the window- she loved sitting near windows because she got to look at so many things outside... it calmed her...

Her coffee arrived and she thanked the waiter, took a small sip and then laid her head back and sighed, thoughts of her unemployment tormenting her mind...maybe she should look in the papers...she never did because most of the jobs she went for were communicated in her e-mail...

With that thought she quickly finished her coffee and walked out to buy a newspaper from a nearby stand. She paid for the newspapers, walked to a bench nearby and sat down with her bag close to her elbow. Opening the papers to the job opportunity section and perusing through, Ashley had something catch her eye...

PLM Group Of Companies looking for personal assistant to the CEO....a more than satisfactory salary...good working hours...

And the list went on and on...should she go for it?...she had always been a secretary... she wasn't sure whether a personal assistant worked differently...and she badly needed the money! She was doing this! Her twenty fourth birthday wasn't arriving without a proper job to her name! She stood up determinedly, folded the newspaper properly and hailed a cab. Tomorrow, she'd see about that interview with PLM. God help her if any male dared to say, do or even think anything offensive to her person- there were so many things she was capable of...

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