Ground rules!

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Chase woke up in the morning with a very happy grin, even before he opened his eyes! He couldn't believe the events of the night before- Ashley had finally given in to what the both of them had been dying for! She'd been amazing- he'd never made love the way he'd done with her! She was a wild one, he thought as his heart started beating frantically in his chest as his body remembered the way Ashley had touched him and the way she'd moved and screamed at the height of passion! His pillow still smelled of her, he thought with a smile as he moved his arm to touch her- his hand encountered space... cold space- what the?!

Chase quickly scrambled up to investigate what exactly the space meant not for once believing she'd left! He quickly put on his pants from last night and moved to the bathroom-

''Ashley?..." he called but got no answer. He rushed to the living room, kitchen and all the other rooms but still, she was nowhere to be found! Her clothes from last night were also was quite clear she'd left!

Chase rushed to the bathroom and took a shower while he brimmed with anger- how dare she just leave like he was some cheap lay?!

Shower and dressing up done, he picked up his phone and keys and went to his car. Ashley had some explaining to do!

Ring Ring!

''Damn it! Who could possibly want me on a Sunday at...7am?! Seriously?!" Ashley groaned in irritation at her phone that just wouldn't stop vibrating! Why why why?! Maybe if she ignored it, it would stop, she thought as she put her head back on the pillow and started to doze off-

Ring Ring!

''Ohhhhh! Damn it!", she said as she got up in anger and picked the phone up without checking caller ID-

''What?!" she shouted, feeling like crying because she'd been in heaven while sleeping!

''How dare you?!" the voice on the other side equally shouted and Ashley wondered if she was still sleeping....and having a nightmare...

''Who the hell is this-and you better have a good reason for calling me at this ungodly hour!" she replied as she felt all her sleep drift away from her and wakefulness taking over- this person was so dead!

''Oh really?! Let's see who'd be calling at this hour...MAY BE YOUR BOSS WHOSE BED YOU LEFT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT LIKE A THIEF?!!!!!" Chase yelled in anger.

Oh my God! Chase! It's been him all along! Damn it, Ashley thought as she panicked.

''Nothing to say dear Ashley?! I'm surprised you've nothing to say- you always have something to say about everything!" he was seething, she could tell but, why was he mad in the first place anyway?!

''I'm sorry... I didn't know it was you boss..." she said as she thought about how to get out of this sticky situation!

'' now it's boss,huh?!..It's no longer, 'Chase! Please! Don't stop!' Then I wasn't your boss?!" Chase was still shouting- and Ashley could never deal with people shouting at her!

''OK! What exactly is your problem?! Is this you in the morning?!  Ha! Then I'm glad I'm not in your bed to witness it! You've called me at 7am on a Sunday morning, shouting and screaming yet you still don't say what's wrong?! Are there missing documents or something?!" she said in a rant, forgetting she was talking to her boss...whom she'd slept ten times last night! Dang it!

''Or something!! And you still don't know why am angry?! Damn it!" and he hung up leaving Ashley staring at her phone like it had just spat in her face! She'd never seen that side of Chase....and no body ever hung up on her- ever!!  Waaaait a minute, he said she run away like a thief in the night....oh my God?! He was mad because she'd left in the night!! But wasn't that fine with men?! Every one knew they hated morning after conversations... and women thinking that a relationship had started...

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