Now, where were we?...

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Silver3eagle, you're the best! This chapter is most especially for you. Thanks for the support!

Ashley and Chase's short trip to Hong Kong had come to an end and true to their word, they were at work. The remainder of their time in Hong Kong had indeed been spent touring, with no funny business from Chase- not that it had been easy!

And of course the moment they got back, someone's girlfriend had to make an appearance!

''Babyyyyyy! You've been soooo lost!!! And I've been calling and calling... you just didn't answer! Whyyyyy, babyyy?!" Casey Jenkins' shrill and irritating voice rang through the whole of Chase's building floor!

Ashley calmly sat across the two in Chase's office, holding a pen and a notebook in which she'd been recording what he'd been saying- of course until the wicked witch of the west made her appearance. In addition to that, Chase had been such a gentleman since they'd come back...not even a lingering glance at her- he was all business! Well well- not that she was complaining, Ashley thought with irritation. She knew men like Chase were always looking for a distraction...a weekly or if the woman is lucky, a monthly distraction! Well, she wasn't going to be apart of that arrangement!

''Ashley, can you please excuse us for a moment?..." Chase didn't even look at her as he said this- it was clear she'd been dismissed!

''Not a problem, Sir." she likewise didn't waste any time leaving- she wasn't about to stay here and watch them grope at each other! She had better things to do anyway!

The moment Ashley got into her office, her phone vibrated with an incoming call-

''What do you want?!" she asked in annoyance of the person on the other end.

''Ashley...sweetheart, you know I can't forget you...even if you've been away in Hong Kong for three days..." Ryan said in a creepy way.

''How did you know that?!" she immediately asked because she was sure no body apart from Sheila had known she had gone to Hong Kong, and Sheila hated Ryan's guts!

''I always know everything about you my love...everything!" he replied with a scary chuckle. Ashley didn't want to think Ryan had become a stalker...that was the last thing she needed! An obsessive ex boyfriend on her neck!

''Ryan, I don't have time for your games, OK?! Do me a favour and stay away. And another thing- grow up! I mean, who stalks people anymore?!" she said as she looked at a document in front of her.

''Ashely I'll never let-

Ryan begun only for Ashley to hung up- stupid idiot!

Ryan was slowly getting out of hand... what would be the best medicine for him now, Ashley wondered as she worked, but was interrupted by the desk phone, ''Yes?! " she snapped not knowing was Chase.

''In my office- now!" Chase barked, obviously in a temper! Ahhh, what had she done this time?!

''Yes sir?" she asked the moment she entered, not even realising Casey was gone.

''I've let you get away with so many things Ashley but not this- how dare you walk out like that in front of a guest?! Do you know how disrespectful it looked?!" he started the moment she talked.

''Sir, I'm a personal assistant, am paid to disappear. I didn't want to deny the two of you your privacy...your girlfriend expressed the need for it..." she said with an eye roll at Chase's obliviousness. What had he wanted her to do- slowly crawl to the door in tears at having seen him with Casey?!

''She's not my girlfriend!" Chase suddenly barked in anger and...frustration?...what was annoying him so much anyway?! Waittttt a minute, did he just say she wasn't his girlfriend?!

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