How hard can it be?!

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It's not what it looks like...this statement is used by so many people caught in compromising situations...even Ashley thought about saying it but seriously?! body was going to believe that! And Chase the least! So with that in mind she got out of Ryan's irritating embrace , smoothed out her blouse and skirt and then turned to fully look at Chase... boy did he look mad!

''Mr. Hunter, why didn't you needed something?" she decided to go with this statement to reasonably reduce the wrath she was definitely going to get from Chase.

''Why didn't I call?!.. Why didn't I call?!!! So you'd get a heads up of my presence?! Why, hadn't I got you red handed, I'd still think you're working, not making out!!! Is this what you like about the privacy you're office affords you?!" With every word Chase moved closer and closer to the two apparent lovers, sizing Ryan up and looking at Ashley accusingly... okkk...

''Mr. Hunter, it just got out of hand, Ryan was just leaving... right Ryan?" Ashley said as she pushed Ryan closer to the door even though he wasn't barging...why were men so fat?!

''I'm not leaving this place without- Ryan started only for Chase to shout, ''Get out of my building right now! And make sure I don't see you here again!"

''Who are you to order me about?! Of course I can come and go as I please-

Ryan was once again interrupted,

''I'm her boss...Chase Hunter...heard of me?...'' Chase said arrogantly as he looked Ryan up and down as if about to ask him whether he had a skyscraper of his own...and boy did he look good doing it!

''Oh." is all Ryan said as realisation hit him...he'd never bothered to find out which Hunter it was that owned the building... damn it!

'' get out before security does it for you!" Chase said as he looked at Ashley having already dismissed Ryan.

''But Ashley was- "

''GET OUT!!!" both Ashley and Chase said in annoyance because both thought he'd already left.

''This isn't over Ashley!" Ryan said as he stormed off in anger and slammed the door behind him.

Now it was just the two of them...wonder what Chase was going to do...Ashley wondered as she looked him in the eye and noticed his eyes were so dark and bright...anger extraordinaire!

'' the ice princess has a this what you do every time you lock yourself in here?! How many times has he been here-tell me?!" Chase said as he got in Ashley's face forcing her backwards towards her desk. Ashley wasn't sure whether this was Chase the boss speaking or Chase the man...the look in his eyes...

''Are you going to tell me or am I going to drag it out of you?!..." Chase said from a breath away...looking so intensely into Ashley's eyes.

''Mr. Hunter, I believe that's none of your business." she said as they stood toe to toe with Chase breathing against her lips.

Chase pulled back a little at her statement... this woman was just something else...she didn't give a rat's ass what he thought or whether he was her boss or not...and the best part, she looked so hot doing it! This would have been perfect if he hadn't found her luscious lips synched with that douchebag's! They were supposed to be his...everything about her was supposed to be his...she just didn't know it yet. She drove him crazy with her resistance...her denial of the attraction between them...but not for long...Hong Kong would make sure of that!

''Ashley don't fear I could fire you?...For misconduct of behaviour and disruption of work? Having sexual encounters during working time and talking back at your boss?..." He moved even closer,his cologne overriding her senses and his breath making it hard to think...what was happening to her?!

He wasn't to know of course...

''Are you going to fire me?..." she asked breathily keeping her eyes on his while licking her lips...she swore this wasn't intentional but his reaction belied that-

''Why are you doing this to me?..." Chase asked as he slowly and hesitantly put his hands on her hips and pulled her against him...the feel of her soft body against his...her intoxicating perfume that was messing with his senses...she was so hot and he badly wanted to get burned...

''I'm not doing anything to you,sir...can I ask you a question?" she again asked huskily like she could hardly breathe...

''Anything! You can ask me anything!" Chase in a trance was really he could do anything huh?!...

''Why do you have your hands on my body?"

Chase's jaw dropped at this woman's tenacity and single mindedness- when did she ever break and give in?! She wanted him, he could feel it but she wasn't gonna accept it! Even now her eyes were staring straight at his without flinching or shyness and her body language belied what he believed she felt towards him!

''Seeing as you're in shock and are taking forever to answer, I'll do it for remember the talk we had about why I've lost four jobs in one year?...ahh, by the look on your face you, let's do each other a favour and get out of this totally inappropriate situation before I go all physical on you, mhh?!" she said as she removed one by one, Chase's hands from her hips and stepped back, it was obvious he was still in shock...

''Now, a piece of advice for the unsuspecting CEO," Ashley continued due to Chase's inability to speak, "I'm very mean when crossed, I don't like repeating myself and I don't do relationships...capiche?" she asked with a raised eyebrow and an innocent smile while Chase's expression still hadn't changed...he didn't know who he was anymore...

Was the man in front her ever going to shift...or breathe again?! Ashley was starting to worry when the phone rang and the moment was gone...Chase woken from his trance...

And now for his reaction-

''Ashley Wood- he began only for him to be interrupted by Ashley's having to answer the phone-

''Hello, good morning...yes it's all fine...everything is ready, we'll be there sir...goodbye." Ashley hung up and looked at Chase saying, '' That was the owner of Spec...he was confirming your presence tomorrow at the meeting in Hong Kong...''

Chase still had a fiery look in his eyes but barked ''Yes I'll be there!" and with that marched to the door and got out. Well well...that wasn't so bad, Ashley thought as she sat down to resume work, wondering why her heart had resumed beating the moment Chase left...

At 12.30pm, Chase and Ashley had their bags taken from their offices to Chase's chauffer driven Bentley outside the building. Chase was on the phone with an associate while Ashley was planning their schedule in Hong Kong and texting Sheila at the same time...she was badgering her for details of the trip- they hadn't even left yet! Well, it wouldn't hurt telling her they were going by private jet...Chase's private jet!

Being Chase Hunter's PA did have its perks after all-such luxury...

''Ms. Wood?..." Chase said as they began the journey to the airport, now why was he being formal with her again?....

''Yes, .Mr. Hunter?" Ashley inquired as she paused her texting,

''I'd like to apologize for my...behavior for the past few won't happen again."

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