Between the devil and the deep blue sea!

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Hello there readers...

This is my first book and I thank whoever has read it  so far...

This chapter is dedicated to Silver3eagle...thanks a bunch for the made my week!

Ashley was hoping she'd heard wrong but no-

''Aren't you going to answer?...I at least deserve an explanation..."Chase continued to make everything worse as he pushed it...

''An explanation for what exactly?! I didn't even come back late!" She said in annoyance as she held onto the door knob preparing to leave.

''That's it!" Chase barked, ''You're not having lunch outside the office again! You'll have it from here! That's an order!" he said as he looked at her in challenge,waiting for her to say even just one thing...

''Sir yes sir!" she shouted and...saluted him and then turned and matched out!

Grrrr! That woman had guts! She didn't fear him at all...not even a little! It was quite clear he'd just made a fool of himself in front  of her with his jealousy fit! Dammit! Why did he always lose it with her...she made him feel so angry and crazy at the same time! What he'd  done though had been wrong...he needed to apologise...Chase then followed Ashley to her office.

He would do this and get need of a second taste of her-

'' know I can't...I'm working and my boss is a bit of a tyrant and would bite my head off if I did that..." Ashley unaware of Chase's presence behind her was on the phone talking to her cheating ex boyfriend trying to convince him not to turn up at her work place!

''Ehem!" Chase coughed to alert Ashley of his presence but she was instead startled so much she jumped and threw her phone down.

''Well...well...another admirer huh?! And here I was coming to apologise for earlier...but instead I'm a tyrant huh?!" Chase said as he slowly backed out of the room while looking at Ashley with accusing eyes...why,she didn't know...

''Chase I-"she started only to be stopped...

''Never mind, Ashley." and he walked out in a huff.

OK...someone please explain what the hell that was?! Why was Chase so disapproving of everything she did...and constantly getting angry...was it the kiss?...Nah! That was impossible,he'd just been playing with her...right?...

OK maybe the 'tyrant' bit was a bit harsh...she ought to apologise...

Ashley  after a good fifteen minutes then proceeded to walk to Chase's office only to catch a whiff of perfume she'd smelt before...where?...

''Ohhh Chase you're so good at this...I knew you'd call me...I knew you'd take me" Casey Jenkins purred as she and Chase kissed like there was no tomorrow... seems Chase Hunter's problem had been solved...he hadn't waited one single second to hear her out...oh well.

''Ehem! Looks like you're busy...I'll leave you to it then...enjoy!" Ashley said as she laughed and walked away just as Chase froze and pushed Casey off him in shame...

Ten minutes later,Ashley sat at her desk when that perfume that she hated so much came closer and closer to her nostrils...she was seriously going to lose her sense of smell!

''You!"Casey barked as she sashayed to Ashley's desk looking ready to explode...into a million tiny little snakes! Ashley decided to remain seated and look at her patiently...even though she couldn't breath!

''Yes queen Casey? what do I owe this pleasure?" Ashley asked sarcastically while Casey fumed.

''You think you're so clever with your sarcastic responses! I warned you last time to stay out of my way but you didn't're just begging for it!" Casey said furiously as she contemplated on how to destroy Ashley once and for all!

'' do realise I still don't know what you're taking about,right?!" Ashley asked with barely contained anger- this girl was really getting on her nerves!

''What do you mean you don't know?! In case you haven't noticed, my boyfriend won't make love to me because you keep on interrupting us!

You keep on showing up and he stupidly cares more what you think than what I want! You won't get away with this you bitch- you're gonna be outta here in no time! I'm gonna make sure of it!" and with that,Casey the queen bee, left...leaving behind the torturous effects of her perfume!

No wonder Chase was so interested...they made a great couple! Casey Jenkins was not getting the best of her this time though... she was ready...Casey might have slept with her boyfriend in highschool, but this time, Ashley would be teaching her a lesson! One she'd remember for all her pathetic days on earth!

Why was everything so complicated?! Damn it! Ashley had seen fact, found them...why was he even worried she'd found them?! He was seriously beginning to lose his mind! Ashley was the name to blame for that! She was making him do things he'd have never done in his life!  And it seemed she didn't care at all...she wasn't even jealous! She had  instead laughed!! That's it- they were having that talk now!

''Ashley-in-my-office-now!" he said and hang up. What was he going to say to her anyway-

''I'd really like it if you'd keep your temper in check and desist from snapping at me for no reason!" Ashley said as she looked at Chase in irritation and disgust!

''I can tell you to do whatever I want any way I want! I am your boss after all!" he retaliated as he walked to where she was standing near the door- and he closed it shut. What now?!

''You and I need to know we do!" Chase said in annoyance at Ashley's indifferent attitude towards their attraction!

''That's where you're wrong-we have nothing to talk about!" Ashley said as she took a few steps back from him and walked to his desk.

''Yes we do- This attraction isn't going away by it's self! We need to do something about it!" Chase said as he too went to his desk while watching Ashley's every move...she wasn't escaping him today!

''Do something about it?! Like how you did something about it with Casey?!  Are you kidding me?! That's so not happening. Ever! "

'' Well then,you leave me no choice!" and with that, Chase grabbed Ashley and kissed her! Kissed her like a thirsty man in a desert who'd found a cup of water! His very active lips moved against hers so heatedly she found it hard to not respond...that was seriously the reason she responded...a very big mistake, if by the way he quickly snatched up her response said anything. He was an excellent kisser who put everything in him into a kiss...or was it just her?!

Chase slowly deepened the kiss as he gathered Ashley closer and closer to his well sculpted body and used his superior strength to get her to let him in...  By now they were slowly walking backwards to the desk-OK, Chase was moving them towards the desk! In all honesty, Ashley had never felt this way...she'd never let anyone this close...look at what it did to her?! His big hands that were moving allover her body and were currently bunched in her skirt at her hips...his toned body that made hers feel so feminine...the smell of his-

''No! No...This is wrong! So wrong... You're my boss and this..." Ashley started as realisation of what she'd been doing hit her and she tried to leave his arms though he wouldn't let her...

''Why do you fight it so hard Ashley? We both want know it! Am done pretending I can deal with my desire for you..." Chase as heard in his words was far gone and still had his hands on Ashley's hips.

She had to do something fast...something that would cure them both of this madness quickly-

''I have a boyfriend!" she  blurted out as she succeeded to move out of his arms due to his shock and proceeded to run to the door and out of his office.

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