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Ashley stood in shock at what her eyes were witnessing- Casey was sitting, no no, Casey was splayed

on Chase's laps and the two were involved in lip lock battle! Was it too late to say she should have knocked?! Unfortunately being Chase's girlfriend had got her a little used to entering without knocking... and well, that had it's consequences... as one could see!

Ahh, she sighed, why did she even think that a virile and extremely hot guy like Chase would settle for one woman- seriously?! Thoughts of her father run through her mind...he'd never been with the same woman twice...even with her mother in the picture...

Of course, just like all scenes where men are caught cheating, Chase pushed Casey off him and turned to look at Ashley with a pleading expression...

''Ashley...I..." he began but she didn't let him finish.

''Ahh, of course... Casey...Well, congratulations Chase, you're quite convincing...like really convincing...

And you too Casey, congratulations on being very desperate. Well, I'm out of here obviously,remember to be safe!" and with that she walked off and closed the door softly behind her.

Ashley walked with her head held high and her back straight. Despite the confident physical look, she was breaking inside! Her, the expert on men and their numerous tricks, the one who'd sworn never to fall in love with anyone ever again...had gone and done that same exact thing and the results were just like before- heartbreak!

Ashley reached her office, sat down and got out a file, looked at it and sighed. She remembered her mother...her mother's insistence that her father loved her...even as she saw all the women he kept on flaunting in front of her... Her mother's cries at night when her father didn't come home or even call... Ashley remembered asking her mother why she wouldn't just let her father go and she'd told her it was impossible...until her father had run away with his latest lover...and all her mother's money...

All her life, Casey had never understood why her mother was so devoted to her despite him not being interested in her one bit! Since then she'd vowed never to be like her mother- she despised women like that and would never ever let a man lead her around by the collar!

Now she had confirmed that all men are the same, her father, Ryan, and now, Chase...

She wasn't going to cry, and neither was she going to quit- she was staying right where she was and not even Chase was making her leave her job!

She was too engrossed in her thoughts she didn't see Casey leave in an angry stupor and Chase walk to her door...

''Ashely!" he barked as he got in, shut the door behind him in anger and looked at her.

Ashely on hearing the door close looked up in shock, which of course turned to indifference when she saw who it was.

''How may I help you, Chase?" she asked with a straight face which bore neither tears nor anguish to Chase's surprise.

''Do you really think I would cheat on you with Casey?!" he asked in anger as he looked at her typing away at her computer like nothing was going on.

Ashley, thank God, had one of the best poker faces in the world, she didn't even batt an eye- even though she was dying inside!

''Chase, as of ten minutes ago, we broke up, this therefore means, that question is unnecessary. Is there anything else?" she raised an eyebrow in inquiry at a fuming Chase who had no clue about how to deal with a closed off Ashley!

''Aren't you even going to let me explain?! I mean she-

he began, only for her sudden movement to stop him.

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