A night in Hong Kong...

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After the day's occurrences, Ashley decided to make sure Chase was never an inch too close...it always got them into trouble! That however couldn't stop her from having a fun night in Hong Kong.

After accepting Chase's suggestion of a night out, she'd showered, applied minimal makeup, donned a tight scooped neck black dress made of lace that reached just mid thigh. She also had red 4 inch stilettos to go with the dress, and her hair in long waves down her back- she was determined to make this a fun night!

Chase had on a soft blue shirt whose sleeves he'd folded up to his fore arms, black trousers and his expensive loafers on his feet- he too was determined to wind down tonight! The moment he saw Ashley, he didn't know what to say- she looked amazing... she always did any way! He could eat her- she didn't want that though... that didn't mean he was giving up...

Chase didn't know whether it was just him and all other CEOs or it was just that she didn't want anything to do with men?... He wondered who hurt her...and how much... would he be able to break through that wall?..

The two left their suite, got in the car with Chase's chauffeur and drove to his favourite club in Hong Kong.

It was clearly a club for the rich if one took in the space, the well air conditioned atmosphere and above all, the people hanging around dressed to the nines- there were even movie stars! Ohhhh! The club had two floors with the first being a relaxing area where guests sat to have a drink and even talk. The other floor was the dance floor where the guests got to dance and also get shots of whatever they wanted to drink from the well stocked bar.

Ashley took everything in as they walked to their seats at a far corner of the first floor. Chase had asked whether she wanted to have a drink before dancing and she'd said yes.

''We've done so many things together in and out of the office yet I still don't know a thing about you...personally speaking...''Chase said the moment they sat on the plush seats that also had cushioned back rests- talk about exotic!

''And I've found it's better that way- no need to get into each other's lives-that causes complications." she said as she got her drink from the waiter and took a sip...mhhh, this was really good!

''So...you don't wanna know about me either?..." he asked in disbelief... this woman never ceased to surprise him! Every one wanted to know about him! Especially women!

''I'm only your PA Chase, why should I learn about your personal life?! Shouldn't that be an objective of a...girlfriend or fiance or something?!" she asked with a laugh as she looked around the place...women here did keep it brief, Ashley thought as a woman in a red body hugging dress that barely covered her butt passed by.

''What made you this way...so tough...no nonsense...cynical?...Was it a man...boyfriend?..." Chase asked with real curiosity because he'd actually failed to figure this woman out!

''That's still personal, Chase...'' she sang as she finally looked at him, wondering about his insistence with them discussing personal things!

''You're seriously going to ignore my curiosity?... Ok then...what are we gonna do with our selves then?.." he asked, looking at her enjoying her drink- she even drank beautifully!!

''Chase, we came here to enjoy ourselves- let's have fun and forget about all our problems...and curiosity...OK?!" she said with  a small smile trying to get him to relax properly and forget his curiosity!

''You know what, I think you're afraid...you fear getting hurt from depending on and believing in someone only for them to disappoint you...that's why you won't let me get close..." he said with a confident look as he waited for her to deny it.

''Hahahahahaha! Is this your new strategy of getting me to talk about myself?! Look Chase, I'm not discussing my personal life with you and that's final, OK?! Now, let's have some fun- do you dance?!" she said as she stood up and looked down at him. Chase had never seen her so excited except for the time she'd realised they were staying in Hong Kong. He never danced but then she wasn't to know that!

''Why not!"' he exclaimed as he too stood up, finished his drink and walked towards her , taking her hand and heading to the floor above.

The moment they reached the dance floor, she stopped at a spot away from him and started dancing- the way she'd always wanted to dance.

Chase watched Ashley slowly move her shoulders back and forth with her hands at her hips...then she put her hands up and started moving her hips , waist and backside to the slow but steady beat of Kate Melau's 'No  fear of Heights'. Her hands kept on moving through her long blond waves while her whole body moved with the beat...it was so seductive...

So seductive Chase moved closer and closer without realising it, until he was right behind her...body to body...

''May I dance with you?" he whispered as he denied himself the pleasure of touching her...yet...  That didn't mean he couldn't smell her hair...skim his nose along her neck...she didn't notice though...

Ashley was surprised at hearing Chase's voice because she'd been so caught up in dancing to one of her favourite songs. She knew being close to each other would be bad for them...but what harm could be in dancing together?...she couldn't exactly refuse him..!

''Be my guest, Mr Hunter- I only hope you can keep up!" she teased to reduce the tension between them.

''You'll be singing my praises by the end of this dance!" he teased back though with a husky voice as he put his hands on her waist and pulled her against his body- he had to be extra careful from now on...she felt so good! He started moving slowly to the music making sure his body moved with hers because she was the one controlling the dance...and she moved so well...

Her hands in the air, Ashley moved against Chase slowly up and down...his head in the crook between her neck and shoulder...

This isn't so bad, Ashley thought... until Chase's hands moved from her waist to her hips and she felt a familiar something against her butt...oh oh...and the movement of Chase's hands wasn't helping his situation any better...they were now restless and couldn't settle at her hips anymore, so they shifted to her stomach...and started caressing it, then slowly down to her thighs...then back up her stomach to her abdomen, right below her bosom...

Ashley could tell this was getting out of hand...could she bring herself to stop him...yet she was actually enjoying herself?! This was bad!

Chase didn't need to speak, he let his hands do the talking for him...his mouth soon joined in at Ashley's neck...her sweet smelling neck-

''Chase...Chase... I think we should take a break..." she said after making a painful but good decision for the both of them- this would otherwise get out of hand!

Chase took a deep breath and let her go...he'd been so close...so close...

''Yeah, you're right, we should... so, what next?" he asked as they walked away from the dance floor and headed for the elevator to the lower floor.

''I think we should go back to the hotel...get an early rest..." she suggested.

''Yeah... an early rest...we could tour more tomorrow... is that OK with you?" he asked resignedly as they left the club and got into the car.

''Yes! I would love that- I still have so much to see of Hong Kong! Thank you by the way for the great time." she said during their ride back to the hotel. 

His gaze turned intense at her gratitude...she didn't know why though...,''My pleasure...it was worth it too...I got to see you happy and excited..." his gaze remained knowing and inquisitive.

Ashley didn't know what to say because she knew he was still digging for personal information...

''No...the pleasure was mine...I got to see the first place on my bucket list!" she said instead as she looked outside the window at the passing buildings and then back at Chase. He took some time looking at her until it unnerved and worried her into opening her mouth to say something but he beat her to it-

''You can't avoid it forever Ashley, you'll tell me one day...and when you tell me, it will be everything..." 

Mhh! He wished...

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