Tell it all...

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Oh...the relief of getting all that off of her chest...all that anger, all that hatred...her belief that all men are jerks just like her father! She told him about Ryan...his betrayal, how he humiliated her after sleeping with she became closed off to all males and how she became wary and suspicious of everyone around her...

''I guess I thought you'd do the same...I'm sorry I never gave you a chance to be different...I had sworn never to get into another relationship... that's the reason for the attitude!" she laughed when she said this remembering the look on Chase's face when he'd read her résumé!

He too laughed, ''Yeah...the attitude! It was hot though, really hot! It was so damn hard for me to concentrate by the were everywhere and always looking so beautiful- plus the attitude of course! You couldn't be ignored!"

''You're such a man! I thought you were this tough no nonsense CEO that had no time for dilly dallying! You even warned me against falling in love with you! You were at your most arrogant then, by the way!" she said laughingly, her past forgotten for a while... just as he had intended..her beautiful face was happy again...

''Ha! Most arrogant! What about you?! You couldn't even let anyone look anywhere but at your face! But tell me something, now that you've sorta dealt with your past, are you planning to ever get married?.. Have kids...and so on...?" he asked with a careful expression.

''Well...marriage is something my parents made sure for me to hate...I don't think I ever want to get married! I love kids though, so I'll see what I can do to have a few without getting married..." she answered with a shrug while wondering why Chase would ask such a question...

'' guess  you're right about the bit about your parents...but that doesn't mean you're marriage would be the same as theirs..." he attempted to encourage.

" Are you kidding?! Have you seen the rate at which couples are getting divorced these days?! The rate at which men keep mistresses and cheat on their wives?! Well, am not gonna be a part of that kind of thing- so I simply avoid it." she said with a completely straight face.

The two had left Chase's bedroom for the kitchen where he'd made them  coffee and sandwiches. She was currently seated on the kitchen counter with Chase beside her.

He, according to her answer about marriage, had decided to let it go...for now...but later...

"So, is it safe to say you're staying?" he decided to change the subject.

''No...I think I should go back to my apartment...we should take a brea"-

she started only to be stopped by his harsh exclamation.

" What the hell, Ashley?! Why the hell do you want to go back to your apartment?! What haven't I done to"-

Chase was suddenly cut off by Ashley's bout of laughter-

"Hahahahahaha! The look on your face! Sorry, but I couldn't resist!" she laughed some more at the incredulous look on his face.

"Ohhh, you wanna laugh?!" he asked with a foreboding but amused look on his face ," Here's a reason for you to laugh!" and he launched himself at her in a tickle battle.

''Aaaarrgghh! Chase I swear if you- Arrghh!" she screamed as he tickled the life out of her.

And looked like all their problems had been solved- she was staying!

The following day Ashley sat in her office looking at a few files and documents with extremely tired eyes! She had hardly got any sleep the night before, courtesy of Chase Hunter! He had decided to show her how much he wanted her and how he'd never have to look elsewhere when he had the most beautiful woman on earth with him. Needless to say, she was a very happy woman at that moment!
Ring Ring!

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